Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
A beautifull calming day, lots of sunshine and... I was time for a "me" day today.  I planned a day for myself, but first I planned aswell some cleaning chores. I got up at 6:15 am, that's usually the time I go out of bed. I went on the laptop and made me some sandwisches, I took my time cause it was a 'me' day today. No rush and no hasty things, I'm taking my time. After that I did the chores I wanted to do, I cleaned the windows, (in and outside) and sweeped and weeped the floor. It smelled nice and fresh. 
It was going to be a hot day today, so, I was glad I did some cleaning early in the morning. I red about a second hand store in Almelo online, and I Googled the directions. I could use some summer clothing, I wrote a few things down what I needed and ofcource the directions to that second hand store. The store was called "De stokroos," but I never found the store. I asked directions after searching for 30 minutes. I was lost, a lady told that they have moved to another location. 

She gave me other directions to the right location and this time it was easy to find, but they were closed, sigh! I decided to go to another cheap store I knew, "Scapino," they sell all kinds of shoes and some clothing and accecories for a good price. I bought myself a pair of shoes, and a short, they look nice. I needed to do some grocery but that could wait till the afternoon, I needed a nap! All that flaunting trough the city made me tired, it was warm aswell. First I bought myself the best icecream and then headed to my room. I think I slept more then a hour. 

I sat a few times in our garden aswell with a few guys, well garden, it's not like the 'hanging garden of Babylon,' but it's quit okay. It was calm today at Humanitas, no screaming kids and no loud, tough, talking people. No Frank and no Johannus, it made this afternoon quiet. I even had my dinner in the garden after I did my grocery. Johannus's kids came back after I sat a  while after my dinner, the oldest, Ricardo (7) ran towards me and shouted my name, he really likes me. It's fun being with him, but not so often. 
Ricardo and his special football.
Ricardo has ADHD, the poor little kid, he's naughty, and talks sometimes the baddest language. You obliviously can blame the parents and specially his Dad, I shouldn't even be involved with the parenting, but it's tempting sometimes. I keep my distance, I'm aware what I can do and what I can't do. Lately he likes to play football with me or games on the computer, or anything what he likes, he likes being with me. Sometimes I have to send him off, cause I need my rest too and I'm not his parent. 

Sometimes I just can't help it that I have this Father feelings over him, but again, I keep my distance, I'm aware I'm not his Dad. Ricardo sometimes wait for me when I get back from work, he's such a cutie! Even though he is extremely naughty so now and then. I see his Father (Johannus) sometimes how he treats him, and then I shake my head quietly, I see where the bad language comes from and I see why he's naughty and why he sometimes doesn't listen. I don't want to be involved in the parenting but if I was his Father, I knew what to do. This kid needs much more love and attention, and needs to be treated like a 7 year old child, it's that easy. 
Ricardo and his Dad.
Speaking about kids, I notcied that it goes so easily being around kids. I mean I know how to treath them, it feels like it goes automaticly. I notice aswell that I learned this when I was still in Canada, ofcource, where else? When I'm around Johannus's kids or other kids, I give them directions, when they say a bad word I say something about it, when they cross the street just like that, I tell them stop. When I'm near a street with kids I keep an eye on them, I know exactly where to look. I shove the cup of drink from a child when it's near at the end of the table, I can go on... 
It feels like it's going automaticly, it feels good, it makes me happy. I miss having kids around me, is this a normal feeling with men when your at a certain age? Sometimes I think of that, I think it's normal. Maybe that's why I like being around Ricardo, and I know aswell it has to do with that I was in a relationship with Saf and her five kids, sigh! I miss them. But I know there well, it's all good! 
p.s. I don't understand why this post is still showing in 'bold' letters, I changed it so many times. Maybe it changes it by itself.