Sunday, October 21, 2012



My trip to Copenhagen with New Years is probably canceled, because I had to pay this trip at least six weeks before the actual trip date. And I thought it was four weeks! When I confirmed this trip back in June I even putted a note on my calendar saying, 'Pay trip to Copenhagen,' a month before the trip. I got a letter from the travel company telling me I still had to pay for this trip, they wanted me to pay within five days, if not then the trip will be canceled.  I usually wait until I open my mailbox, wrong, I know! I'm to stressed sometimes to open it, "It can wait," I think then. Well, this time it couldn't wait. The travel company sent the letter on the 9th of October, and probably I received it last week, maybe Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, or even Saturday. If I had checked my mail sooner, I would have been on time with my trip paying, (I think) 

And now? Well, I payed right away in the early morning online. (Always paying online) Though I thought about it, shall I pay or not? I did, and I sent the travel company a email telling them what happened, told them sorry, and that I had paid this morning. The company is closed on Sunday's, tomorrow from 8:00am until 10:00pm there open. I will call them right away tomorrow at work, I want answers, lol. I will be jumping for you if the trip is not canceled! If it's been canceled, then I will see what I do, going on a trip or not. Canceled means aswell I have to pay 75% of the confirmed trip, sigh! I will loose most of my money, and then to book another trip? I do not know. Perhaps a cheap New Years or Christmas trip somewhere in Holland. I will see. I am keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow. Roll on Monday!