Friday, October 12, 2012

That lonely feeling...

That lonely feeling...

The three days off in the weekend can have many different sides, sometimes I feel like I want to do just nothing and I'm pretty fine with it, sometimes I want to go out and I'm feeling pretty excited about it. But sometimes that lonely feeling during these days can hit me aswell, today was a day like that. I didn't do much today, I felt a bit left out and I don't know why. Sometimes a uplifting word or a talk from a friend can get me going again, though nothing has changed in the situation where I'm in, I'm still alone. Most of the time I'm good and fine with that, but just that sometimes.... ugh! 

It rained pretty hard when I went to the dentist this morning, kinda nerves I cycled trough the rain. Though it was just a check up. The female dentist I have is a very nice lady, she treats me well during her job, no pain. The check up went good, there was nothing broke, everything was okay. Yeah, I don't have the perfect teeth but the fillings were all good, and there was no hole to find. I told her that I bought a electric toot brush a month ago, that was a plus point. Wish I bought that much earlier. My teeth were clean the dentist told me, (insert smile) it's all good! My next dentist check up will be next year.

Now, the mail what I waited for so long has finally arrived, social services wants me to pay a sum of money back what I received back in May. On May 1st I signed my working contract at work, in that same week I went to social services to tell them that I have a job now. They gave me a form (paper) where I had to fill in where I work and when I started working there and what I earn, etc, etc. I filled in the form and sent it to social services. A month later I received a mail back from social services telling me that I have to pay back a sum of money from the month May from this year.

Since I signed my working contract I'm not receiving any monthly money anymore from social services, that normal cause if they would pay me monthly I would earn above the minum wage. I was nicely on time with me informing them about my new job. But, social services weren't able to look trough my 'informing' on time, and getting it 'done' one time. And because of  that I will have to pay back my monthly money from the month May. Just because 'they' weren't getting it done on time. Now, social services advised me to do a 'objection,' I can't find the right English word for it. A 'objection' gives me the opportunity to prove that social services were wrong or actually 'not on time.' 

And because of that I have to pay a month loan back. I did the 'objection,' I had to write a letter with a story why I want to make a 'objection' and why I'm against the paying back . So, I wrote the letter and waited for a message back from social services. A mail came back today with social services saying that they received the letter and that there will be a 'hearing,' sigh. What did I start?! Though it will be a small 'hearing.' I'm surely not looking forward to it, lots of reasons, reason one, I'm nervous cause I'm not a speaker, and reason two, in my eyes the whole 'hearing' won't help, Ill have to pay anyway. 

I know that are not positive thoughts, but okay. Upcoming Monday is the 'hearing' at 6:00 pm, I can bring someone with me to support me, but I don't have a clue who. I will be fine on my own. I'm expecting a no, but hey in the same way I will have a yes, a yes, I don't have to pay the monthly money back. Oh my I will be in court! Haha, it sounds so weird, but it's actually not that big. Hope I will get a yes.