Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ikea är ett paradis."

Ikea är ett paradis."
Yep, Ikea is a paradise, I was a bit too excited to go today though, I went this morning cause I couldn't wait till noon.I had a schedule, lol. 1 Taking it easy in the morning, doing some grocery slowly and taking my time. 2 Deliver the grocery at home and put it away, then heading to Ikea. My actual plan was to go at noon or a bit later, but I was too excited. The weather was incredible, I saw already people in shorts and t-shirts. A sun-shinning day ahead for sure. I bought cheese and ham for my work/lunch/sandwiches for Monday, and I forgot yesterday to buy the veggies for the 'chicken tonight' meal for later today, so aswell I bought that. Plus a can of beer , cheers already. 
I was on my way and I felt good, it was a bit of a ride but it went alright. There was lots to see while riding my bike, Holland is small but it has his nice treasures when you look around. What I dislike is the traffic on Saturday's, it's like everyone is in a hurry or doesn't pay attention while crossing the street or they not noticing the other traffic. I alway's think up loud when someone nearly hits me with his car or bike, "Saturday traffic." I must not complain though, I do it myself aswell, I'm Dutch too, lol.  When I arrived at Ikea I found out there were no bike lanes, oh well, when there's no lane I'll make one myrself. I just followed the cars slowly. I'm pretty handy when it comes to bikes. 
The 'rolgordijn' and 'plinten.' bundle.
There it was Ikea, Ikea is placed on a kind of a boulevard, or how you call it. It's a centre in the middle of knowhere with a few stores. Like a Toy's & Russ or a Mcdonalds for example. It's nice shopping there, it's not so crowded and you can easily walk around there. It was 10:30am as I entered Ikea and there were a few customers, yes! I really took my time to look around, I was on my bike so I couldn't buy to much. I had a few bags and a bagpack, "I will see,"I thought. Within a hour and a half I was done, I bought a few things that were usefull in the house. I bought a rolgordijn, that's a curtain that can be rolled up and, so that a window can be covered easily. Further a lamp, a plastic bin where I put my forks, knifes, ect in, and 10 plints, plints are small wooden covers for the laminate, so you can cover the corners nicely.
 I bought 10 of them, I think I will need more but 10 is a start. There tiny but almost 2 meters long, don't forget I'm on my bike, lol. It was time to pay for my stuff and heading home, I showed the cassiere my Ikea familycard and bundled up my belongings.I used rope and paper. I had to bundle up the plints and the rolgordijn, I have to hold them in one hand and the end of the bundle on the steering wheel. Daredevil, I'm pretty handy when it comes to riding a bike. Within a hour I was home, tired but satisfied. Took a long nap and afterwards prepaired the 'rolgordijn,' I took my time while attatching it on the window, in the end it looked great. I really like it. 
The 'rolgordijn.' attatched!
Still I need a few curtains though, Ikea had plenty but had no idea how to attatch them, and the lenght was, uhm, yeah maybe it fits, and maybe not. So better to wait a while, when it comes to curtains I ussualy let them prepair in a store and let them attatch them. It will cost more money but I will be sure it's good then. Around 5ish I prepaired dinner, chicken tonight on the menu today. The bigger pan I bought a month ago was a bless, it's so much better then the small one I had. Still the rice, I don't know, perhaps I need a ricecooker or better rice. The rice I make is always a bit watery, I really drain the water off pefectly after cooking the rice, but still. I used a watercooker to in Canada, it went perfect. Or it's the rice I buy. 35 cent for a package of rice isn't much. Let's see next weekend.
Chicken tonight!