Monday, June 24, 2013

A cold?

A  cold?

Feeling a bit of a sore troath coming up, my Mom would say, "Don't think about, otherwise it gets worse." Lol, I know, probably a cold, I'm not surprised with this colder weather. I'm wearing a sweater, cause I couldn't get warm after work. Let's see how my troath is going to be in a couple day, no worries here. Today's work you can compare with last week, loads of work and it seems the orders or only become more and more. I'm not complaining, I like the work, it's better then no work, right?

Last Saturday I got a letter from the heating company, 'they' work together with the housing corporation where I rent the house from. This heating company will send a 'guy' who will check my heating, just a yearly routine check. Though... this company made a appointment without even asking when it's possible to come to check my heater. Tomorrow between 8am and 11pm a guy shows up to check the heating, well, I can't be home then, I'm at work.

n the letter stood that when I couldn't be at home on those hours. I should give my house key to Family or neighbors. Well, I have no Family living close by, and giving my house key to my neighbors, no, thank you, ,lol. I don't know my neighbors that well, they don't come that often, and I don't come there. If I see them, it's probably once in two or three weeks. So, today at work I called the heating company to make a new appointment, it wasn't that a peace of cake, but AI managed.

First I called and told them that I was able on upcoming Wednesday between 8am and 11am. Though, later I realized that I have therapy on those hours, lol. So I called 'them' back, now the 'heating guy' shows up between 10:30am and 11:30am, just after my therapy. Pfeeww, and it's already so hard to call at work, it's busy and you can't hear a thing, lol. I called from out the bathroom, but still.