Monday, February 27, 2012

What a nice day at work!

What a nice day at work! 

Not many people at work, some were sick and some were having a day off. It was just me and my (second) Boss who were working togeher in the section where I work. I call my second Boss second Boss cause he's the one who gives orders in the section where the mats are being put together. Usually on that section are working three or four people, but now it was just me and Wouter, that's his name.  He told me what to do, and so I did, and it went so easy, no asking how or asking how many, I just did what he told me. Can I have this job for an eternity?

I love the work I do, I'm learning everyday, it's a tough job but if gives me a satisfied feeling aswell. The fellow workers are nice and accept me a 100%, I love it. This is the place where I want to work for ever. Though I'm still working there for nothing, there still testing me? I guess not, I perfectly succeeded the test. The reason is still that there's not enough work to hire me, and ofcource it's a money thing aswell, can they afford me? There still not sure yet. This comming Thursday it's a month ago that I had my last conversation with my Boss and my Reha counselor.

At the end of that conversation my Boss told me that a next conversation is not needed, she would inform me as soon as possible if I can stay or go. It's been a month now, and that's to long in my eyes. I sent a e-mail to my Reha counselor, telling her what I should do, or what 'we' should do. I will wait for her response, and in the meanwhile I will just continue my work, I'm not giving up. I already came so far, I learned already so much, it would be a pity to just say to my Boss, "Hey, I had it here, I'm off, it's taking me to long." I will finnish this, just as long untill I get a answer. But yeah, ofcource I can't stay to long and work for free.

Alright, comfy pants on, heater on ...just a bit, coffee is made! Time to chill and relax! Tomorrow another (working) day, yay!