We Dutch people have been celebrating Queens day for 33 years on the 30th of April. Tomorrow starts a new decade, our Queen Beatrix will abdicate in favour of her eldest son Willem-Alexander, the heir apparent to the throne. He will be the first king of the Netherlands in 123 years. Next year we will celebrtate this day on the 27th of April, and we will call it King's day instead of Queen's day. We will celebrate it on the 27th cause on that date it will be the King's birthday. It sure will be a celebration, reporters from almost all over the world are stranded in Amsterdam to give report to their country over the abdication. I'm positive about our new King, and I'm not the only one, almost every Dutch citizen feels a 'fresh air' going trough our monarchy.
Typical Dutch 'Queensday' celebration in Amsterdam, I don't expect anything else tomorrow. |
Markets and fairs in the streets of Amsterdam on Queensday. |