Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Upcoming Sunday, a Nieces & Cousins brunch, yay!

Upcoming Sunday, a Nieces & Cousins brunch, yay!

I already knew that there would be another brunch with my Nieces and Cousins, this brunch  is gonna happen on the 16th of September in my city. The first brunch has already been, I think that was in August somewhere, also in Almelo. Then there were only four nieces, blame the Summer holiday, most of the Nieces and Cousins were on a holiday then. But upcoming Sunday will be more fun cause more people will show up. These Nieces and Cousins are all from my Mother's side, (so I'm safe, lol) They are the opposite of the Nieces and Cousins from my Fathers side. You can tell by the way that 'they' organized this brunch, nuff said! I'm looking forward to see my Nieces and a few ACousins again, yeah, I have more Nieces then Cousins.

Today was busy at work, I really should stop saying that, lol. It's always busy there, it's crazy! The Boss came up to me with a smile just after lunch, that could only mean one thing I thought. "Working a extra day on Friday." And yes, I was right. Tough I had to refusse, cause I have other things to do on Friday, the appointment with Dad's nurse, I told this aswell to my Boss, and she understood. We really do need some more workers, otherwise I have to work a extra day every week, and I don't have the energy for that. So I worked last week a half day extra and the week before that aswell, plus a week before THAT I worked a day extra, All that together makes two days extra. I thought I was getting extra payed for the extra days, but no. The Boss explained me that

I get extra a free day for a day extra working, I didn't know that and I don't like that either. The Boss asked me if I wanted to change that, I told her "Yes, please." From now on I will get payed for a extra day.  Cooler weather today, rain and a cool breeze, I loved it. More rain is on his way, Autumn is on his way! I'm gonna enjoy my day off tomorrow, it's needed. I'm tired and feel the pain in my muscles, lol. Resting is a must. I actually planned to go to my Dad tomorrow, but I'm exhausted, I will see him Friday too. .............And not a word or sound or phonecall from my Aunt, lol. I think they will call one day, (they probably need me) but will I answer? I don't think so....