The Musquito, Mosquitoes don't see very well, but they zoom in like a heat-seeking missile. In the spherical arrangement of their compound eyes, blind spots separate each eye from the next one. As a result, they can't see you until they are 30 feet (10 meters) away. Even then, they have trouble distinguishing you from any object of similar size and shape. But why was it then last night, when I had the light on and I tried to search him he wasn't there? And when I closed the light he apeared and tried to stab me?
Mosquito adults feed on flower nectar, juices, and decaying matter for flight energy. The larvae are filter feeders of organic particulates. The larval and pupal stages can be found in a variety of aquatic habitats including: discarded containers, tires, temporary woodland pools, tree and crab holes, salt marshes, and irrigation ditches. But what was it doing in my room then? I have no flower nectars, juices, discarded containers, tires, woodland or pools, etc, etc.
Mosquitoes locate bloodhosts by scent, sight and heat. From 100 feet away (30 meters) mosquitoes can smell your scent, especially the carbon dioxide (CO2) you exhale. Biting flies are even better; they can smell their prey from 300 feet (100 meters) away. Because CO2 is present in the atmosphere (plants take in CO2 and give off oxygen), mosquitoes respond to higher-than-normal concentrations, especially when the CO2 is mixed with host-odor. They follow your scent upwind, and can see you at a distance of about 30 feet (10 meters). Damn little bastards!
It took a while this time, but after 15 minutes 'he' showed up again zooming around my head. It was already 2:00 am and I wanted to sleep, the mosquito was knowhere to find, prolly hidding somewhere laughing his butt off. I had a the craziest idea to just sleep with one light on, (I have two lights in my room) that wasn't very comfortable but okay. But the mosquito showed up again after 20 minutes. Sigh, what to do? What to do? I had another crazy idea, very crazy. I just wanted to sleep! I grabbed a little plastic light table what I had in my room , and putted it on the bed above my pillow, it suitted just. I still had some mosquito-nets, but they were just nets with nothing attatched to it.
I hanged the nets over the table and the nets were on the perfect lenght, it covered the whole table and covered around the table. Guess what I was making, LOL! It looked like a hut for my head, me and my crazy ideas! I layed on the bed under the blanket and shoved my head under the little light plastic table and under the musquito-net on my pillow. There I was, laying my head and all covered up I could move my head a half a meter from left to right and up and down, space enough! I must be insane LOL! Maybe the mosquito already bited me and this was the result, me going crazy! But it worked and I slept within ten minutes, it was already 2:30 am. It was about time.
When I woke up I nearly bummed my head under the table, I still reminded what happened last night so I wasn't suprised what the little table did on my bed all covered in mosquito-nets. Rise and shine, well I rised but the shinning part hmm, I could use a nap, and that's what I did today. I didn't do much this Wednesday, I planned to go out for a little while to another city, just for a hour or two in the afternoon. Hidding for Ricardo? Uhmm, yes and no, but later on I decided that I will take him with me.... Or not? It was difficult to make a decision, I had a appointment aswell at 3:30, and Ricardo was comming back at 12:30. That would gave us atleast an hour and a bit more to spend time in that other city. But then again, I bet Ricardo wanted to come to the 'free'dinner aswell, then I realized that I will spend another whole afternoon with him,and perhaps an hour in the evening before he goes to bed.
I didn't want that, it sure will ask to much energy for me, cause of Ricardo's sometimes difficulties. But anyway, I decided to take him with me, he was late though and we had to run actually towards the trains, (first he didn't even wanted to go, cause he wanted to go for a bike ride.) He was complaining and shouting so much just before we went out the door that I decided not to take him, and that made him even angrier. He shoutted even more and insulted me and other people, the staff was aware of it and helped me calming him down, After that I went upstairs for a little rest and Ricardo went with his Dad. Pffeewww! It could have been a nice afternoon, but okay, maybe next time. I was aware that a weight fell of my shoulder though, it's sometimes alot of work to please him.
But Ricardo came back after two hours, just before I wanted to go to the free dinner with two other guys, he asked me if I wanted to eat with him and his Dad. I talked to him first about this afternoon what happend, and that it wasn't nice of him. I know it wouldn't help much all this talking but hopefully one day he will get it, or he gets it already but feels to embarressed to reply. We talked further and I told him that I would like to have a nice dinner with the two other guys first and then maybe we can do something after dinner before he goes to bed. Again he stamped his feet and became angry again, and I told him, "Are you gonna act the same way again like three hours ago? If you do, then I have to take you to you upstairs to your Dad again." He replied nasty and wasn't nice, sigh! I took him upstairs and he wanted to stop me.
We were nearly at his Dad's. When Ricardo was standing on the top of the stairs I still had to take a few steps before I reached the top. Then Ricardo decided to kick me in the stomach, and I felt it. It was pretty hard, and I wasn't suprised he did kick me. He likes to kick and punch when he's mad, but he never kicked or punished me. I took his arm and carried him to his Dad, I told Ricardo that I was done with him for today and tomorrow, and he knew why. I told his Dad what happened and he took care of him. I went downstairs again, putted other clothes on and went to the dinner with the other guys, sigh! Later in the evening I thought about going to Ricardo, to see how he is, but I didn't go. Still I think a bit of him while I write this last piece of this post.
I would like to teach him well, but I need to keep my distance, it's better for him and for me. I must say when I keep my distance of him I feel a bit of a relief, but aswell I miss him a bit. This makes me aware that I like him very much, only if he was a bit more nicer and listens to what I say or what others say, that would be a relief. Although he kicked me, I can't wait to have a little chat with him again, and afterwards hug him. Am I silly or what?