Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Oh my God, today's cooking....

Oh my God, today's cooking.... 

I planned some major cooking today, the package I bought yesterday was a bit more expensiver then the other packages I usually buy. So, I thought this package was a bit more difficult to prepair, but no! I only had to look up on the internet how to cut up a mango, lol. That seemed easy but, ermm, next time I will get a riper mango, it cuts much better, lol. The mango I bought was green, almost dark green. But anyway.

The prepairing and result. 

1) First ingredients are typical 'nuts' rice, crushed almonds and the sauce. This was all inside the package, I only had to add a few items more...

2) Second ingredients, red pepper chicken breast, leek, a not so ripe mango, (I should have bought a much riper mango, but didn't know, it was my first time ever buying a mango, lesson learned!) and moyashi. (That's a japanese sprout)

3) I always cut things first before I actually cook, red pepper, leek and mango, all cut up.

4) Chicken breast cut! I added some salt and a bit juice from the mango.

5) Prepairing the sauce, after I baked the chicken breast half, I added the leek and the red pepper.

6) Then I added the sauce, oh my god the smell was so good, I couldn't bring it home what smell it was. It was kinda like a minty, liquorice, salty smell, I bet it taste the same aswell. It made me all excited, lol

7) Adding the mango and moyashi. On the package it said that I could add pineapple aswell instead of mango.

8) The rice was done, I added the crushed almonds and let it stand for a little 6 or 7 minutes.

9) Tadaaaa! Hoisin chicken rice, so easy to prepair. Tomorrow again, cause I have left overs.

Today I decided to go to my Dad aswell, instead of tomorrow. I figured I go now so I can have a whole day to myself tomorrow. Aswell I thought that Dad was expecting me, so off I went at 11:00 am. Not even cold but grey, though no rain. (yet)  Dad was glad to see me, two nurses were just serving his dinner. Red cabbage, mashed potatoes and a piece of meat. I brought my own sandwisches as usual, lol. Dad offered me his creamy pudding, I couldn't say no. Dad has much difficulties getting up, I always have a bit of awkward feelings what to do to help him, I mean I know what to do, but it feels awkward to do it. 

I'm not used to it. We weren't so "touchy" in our Family, If you know what I mean, so yeah. But Dad got up pretty quick this time, pffeew. I stayed ad Dad's place for a few hours then I took off, it's been long enough. I think I feel a little cold coming up, not that weird with the weather were heaving lately. Warm, freezing, snow, rain, the weather here is like a jojo, and it can't make a decision. I will see what I do tomorrow, first a good sleep, ans probably a nice sleep in.