Thursday, October 6, 2011

"When the goose honks high, fair weather, when the goose honks low, foul weather."

"When the goose honks high, fair weather, when the goose honks low, foul weather."

But I haven't seen a goose yet, so no honking I heard. But it is cold, I can tell you that. This morning when I went to work it felt the wind blew right trough my jacket, that cold it was. We have a kind of storm going on here, and tonight it's going to be a little worser with rain. And last week it was warm, I walked  in shorts and a t-shirt then, now it's only 13 degrees. Wearing a sweater and no shorts. I planned not much this weekend, I'm saving my money a bit and make it comfortable in the house, maybe I will cook a nice meal. Something what I never cooked before, something small though,I'm saving money lol.Last weekend I have been to Ikea, and the weekend before that I went to the flea market, so yeah, this weekend I'm staying in. 

Thursday already, the time flies when your busy. Another working day has ended, it's weekend for me already. Today at work me and another worker have been transfered to another Reha in another town. Here at Reha we will be getting a new order, were going to make wooden boxes, and these boxes are meant for huge drills, I meant to say HUGE drills. the wooden boxes are long and quite big. Today we had to practize on these boxes with other workers from that other Reha. It's quite a heavy work and you have to keep your mind to it. But further then that it's a nice box to work at. Me and my other fellow worker worked a whole day in that other factory and it went okay, we finnished one order then they brought us back to our own Reha, it was nice at the other Reah but it was better to be back. 

I'm used to the place where I work now, that can be a good thing but also a bad thing. Being there at the other Reha I felt a bit home-sick, lol. Home-sick to the Reha I'm used to, when I will get another job I will have to get used to the idea that I will have to leave the Reha I'm used to. While I was on my way back today, I have been thinking that. It's good to be prepaired. I'm proud though to what I have achieved when it comes to work, there has been days, weeks, months, that I was done with searching for work and jobs. Working here for a month or a week or working there for a day or two days, it wasn't a productive time for me back then, I disliked it when I went sick aswell. It maked things only worser, so I actualy kinda gave up on work that time. It was 2003. 

Now when I got back from Canada, I realized that I had to start a new life again, everything was new and stood open for a try. I crawled back up and took the chance to get me a real job, no more working a month here or two days there, I wanted a "real" job, that was my goal. And still it is, I'm working now, and that's a good thing. It's not a paying job but I'm 100% sure I will get a paying job, what I have achieved so far there I can be proud of, next achievent a "real" job. I might get some visitors this weekend, Johannus's ex will prolly visit me with his young daughter. Johannus's ex works aswell at Reha, and was sent back to Humanitas after being gone for a  while, while Johannus and her ex were seperated at Humanitas. She's a nice girl, but I told her that I didn't want to many visitors from Humanitas. She will come with only her daughter, she told me. That's alright.