Kicked back...
This morning my Aunt and Uncle dropped by to bring Dad's last belongings, it wasn't that much. Three boxes and one bag, most of Dad's belongings were brought to a second hand store. Because they were to heavy for us, and most of the stuff we (in our Family) didn't had space for it. My Aunt and Uncle brought aswell the mourning cards and such, that hitted me right back to last week. The mourning cards were touching, my Dad was a good man. I even saw pictures of my Dad when I went trough the boxes, I saw pictures of him while he lived in the nursery house. I noticed on most of the pictures that he surely wasn't the same as he was before my Mom died. On a few pictures I saw him just staring, while others were cheering and enjoying them selves. That's a reason that he loved Mom so much, all I can say now is that they are together now after thirteen years. I love you Dad!
In total I have so much little stuff now from Dad, I should think about what to do with it. I went trough all the stuff recently and I will go trough it once again, it's difficult to decide what to do with it. It has memories, and to just get rid of it, makes it kinda hard. I thought about bringing it to the people who cook with the free dinners, they could use it. But today I asked and they didn't want it, they told me to bring it to a second hand store, yeah, I might just do that. I think I will keep it for a while, let's say a month. I know a few people who could use Dad's stuff aswell , most of the stuff are plates, forks, spoons and knives, cups, etc, etc. Yeah, good decision. Looking trough Dad's belongings hurted, but it's okay. It's okay to mourn and grief, it's a must aswell. One day my grieving will turn into a 100% joy.