Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers day!

Fathers day! 

Yesterday I didn't feel like going, I was tired and wasn't feeling well, I had alot to do aswell plus a busy week ahead, I needed my rest. Though I decided to go cause deciding not go didn't feel good on this special day. Afterwards I'm glad I went, what was I thinking skipping this day not to go to my Dad. First of all there weren't trains riding this weekend, so I had to go with the bus. There were special busses this weekend, cause of the trains not riding. It was a bit of a mess with the busses, cause I didn't know what bus I had to had what was going to my Dad's village. There were several busses, asking is always the best option.

I asked a busdriver and he told me to wait for bus number 335, alright. After a while more busses came, but still no number 335. I asked another bus driver, and he told me that he was going to Nijverdal, right on! The bus he was driving wasn't number 335 but number 192, oh well, it was chaotic with all these busses. I was sitting with another passenger heading to Nijverdal, such a huge bus with only two passengers, lol. The drive was pleasant, there were many roadblocks, so the bus driver had to choose different ways and roads, that was quit entertaining. so much nicer aswell with the train aswell. 

Arrived in Nijverdal there was this long walk again towards my Dad, sigh, I didn't feel like walking but I had to.  There was a hard strong wind but I had the wind in my back that felt good. When I arrived at Dad's place he was eating a small piece of applecake. The nurses defenitly think of you on special days, a Fathers day applecake. Dad was looking well, he was dressed nicely and I think he had a haircut. I think I spent a little hour with him, it was nice and comfy, I'm glad I went. Ofcource I had to go! I will never skip a Fathers day! 

My Dad, anno 17-06-2012! I think this picture is the best I ever made of him. (He doesn't smile much on pictures)
Tonight's the night, the last chance for our national football team to go trough to the quarter finals. They have to win against Portugal with two goals more, example if Portugal scores one goal, Holland has to make three goals. If Portugals scores two goals, Holland has to make four goals. It will be a hell of a job but I have faith in them, there good players, only they have to show it. One thing I don't like is that this match will be played at 8:45 pm, that's late! I will have to stay up a little later as usual, or more later. Oh well, we will see. Tomorrow's gonna be busy aswell with work, I guess I will just float trough this hectic week.