Toothache, ugh!!
I felt a bit sick today aswell with a light stomach ache, I guess it's just not my day today. I didn't do much, I showered, used the laptop, ironed, and went to the free dinner. The free dinner was packed with people, first I didn't wanna go, I didn't feel well and the rain came poring down. I messaged a girl who also always comes at the free dinner, telling her I prolly won't come. The girl answered back that she and her boyfriend would willing to pick me up if I wanted. I thought, 'Okay, why not.' Perhaps a 'going out' for a few hours will do me good, and it did.
The fillings came out again and I was in pain again, it's a waste of money aswell. So, I have been looking for new dentists this morning and yesterday, and with succes. I found four or five I think, upcomming Wednesday I will go on a 'new dentist hunt,' I have the adresses so I know where to go. One dentist I already sent a message on there site, hopefully I will get an answer tomorrow afternoon when I get back from work. Comming from work I will buy aswell some new painkillers, if a dentist gives me painkillers fornthe pain he always gives me ibuprofen, so that I will try.
P.s. The 'girl' from the free dinner gave me Ibuprofen, that was nice of her, but it's 600 mg. I'm not such a fan off medication, so I will be carefull with the 600 mg. I will stick with the paracetamol and tomorrow after work I will go to a pharmacy and ask for some information for the best painkillers. And ofcource searching for a new and better dentist.