Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A guy...

A guy.... 

 I have not much to write or say today, work went well just like yesterday. After two hard working days I really need a day off, and that will be tomorrow. Resting in the morning and probably in the afternoon doing some groceries or cleaning, or both. I got a email back from 'Buddy wanted,' they found me a so called partner, this partner will help me find something to do in the weekend, perhaps he will help me to find a group of people where I can socialize with or better be friends with. 

I'm thinking of volunteers work, join a club, a team or a sport. This partner will help me for eight long months. That's great! But this partner is a guy, ugh, I rather had a woman, I even asked for it last week. But no! My last counselor (Sahajo) was also a guy. I talk better and clear my hear out more with women then with men, I don't know why. Maybe it's because men don't use much words. But okay, finding something is more important.