Thursday, December 8, 2011

"What a nice day at work!"

"What a nice day at work!"

What a nice day it was at work, there was lots to do, without asking my Boss every ten minutes what do I have to do now? I loved it, I felt good aswell. The radio was on and some people were singing along, and some were making jokes. There was a good atmosphere, I like that. I take my hat of for a fellow-worker who is actually the major worker, or how do you call such a person. He's the one who guides the other workers, he knows what has to be done, he knows the orders. When I have a question I go to him, he's always friendly and smiles. It looks he never has a bad day, lol. That must be so tough, to be always friendly even when someone screws a order up.

I screwed up a few times, well it were a few little mistakes, though in my eyes and thoughts I screwed up. I dislike making mistakes, but I know aswell that I learn from making mistakes. It's nice aswell that you know what to do when the 'major worker' gives you an order, I know how to make a mat, I know what the procedure is for making a mat. I enjoy my work, even though it's sometimes though having sore muscles or having less energy. Aswell saying 'have a nice weekend,' while other workers still have to work a day. One worker told me once that it must be nice to have to work only three whole days, well, yeah it is, but I NEED those days off aswell for my body to rest. Just that sometimes they don't understand that.

There's still a storm going on here, it's getting worser while I write this post, I hope my windows or roof will hold it, lol. With eight degrees above zero it's sure not cold, I wonder where the snow is. There was a little dissapointed news that I got to hear today, another worker from Reha (who I know) told me that I'm not invited for Reha's last working day of the year, they organized a Christmas brunch. I told my Boss a few days ago in a mail that I prolly won't be invited for my new jobs Christmas brunch, I asked him if there still was space for me at Reha's brunch. Both brunches will be held on 22 December.

My Reha Boss didn't mailed me back yet, but like I said tonight at the free dinner a Reha worker told me I wasn't invited, the reason was that I worked at Slettenhaar now and not at Reha. The Reha worker told me aswell that my Boss at Reha will mail me about this, but yeah, no mail yet. Now I'm not really sure that I'm not invited at my new jobs Christmas brunch, but a week ago 'they' had a party aswell in the cantine. (It was someone's birthday) Then I wasn't invited either, simple reason? I was not a official worker there. (yet) So, I'm guessing I won't be invited to the upcomming Christmas brunch aswell. Most dissapointed I'm at Reha, cause I mailed them saying I'm prolly not invited at my new job's Christmas brunch. There answer in short, 'your not invited here aswell'. Not really a nice start for the Christmas holidays right?

But yeah, I will just see what happens on the 22th, I will be dissapointed if I'm not invited specially at Reha. I've done so much for these people. Anyway, although prolly the dissapointment, I'm surely not gonna sit and feel lonely and sad. I'm gonna make the best of it without complaining cause 'that' won't help me further. I will enjoy myself, 100%! And maybe who knows, the situation turns around and I will have a brunch anyway. Then I complained and whined for nothing, prolly made a fool of myself, lol. But hearing from a Boss where you worked eight months for and had a GREAT time with, 'your not invited,' isn't a nice thing to hear, right?