Sunday, May 26, 2013

What to write, what to write.

What to write, what to write. 

It's 9:36 pm, I will be in bed in 30 minutes I think. But first writing this post, it was a nice weekend. Rested well, and did what had to be done. Lots of laundrey and ironing, and some major cooking. Cooking was a succes, sometimes I screw up, though I will eat it anyway, lol. Friday I had potatoes with mushrooms and pieces of carrots. (succes!) Yesterday I prepaired sprouts for the first time, I added a bit curry powder and it turned out good. Together with the potatoes it tasted good.

Only the sprouts could have baked a bit longer. They were a bit hard, lol. Today I made pasta with leek and I added some of the left overs from Friday and Saturday, mushrooms and sprouts, (succes!) I actually made this pasta dice up by myself. Three good meals and they weren't even that expensive. The weather will finally turn into summer tempatures this coning week, 18 C. tomorrow. Hopefully the coming weekend will be good aswell, I have plans to go out then. But first a working week, I'm looking forward to it, hopefully there will be enough work.