Thursday, January 19, 2012

Coffee on the table, laptop on my lap and a couch to sit on, let the weekend begin!

Coffee on the table, laptop on my lap and a couch to I sit on, let the weekend begin!

Another exhausting day has ended, knowing that I had tomorrow off I gave a 100% at work today. I felt exhausted and tired afterwards but that gave a good feeling. We all managed to make 300 mats today, and I was involved. That gives a good feeling too, knowing that your a part of it, a part of the fellow workers, part of the team. I would love it that I could manage to get a week full while working, but I can't. The fellow workers respect and understand that I can only manage three days, still it grabs me sometimes, thinking of what the fellow workers 'really' might think. I should get that out of my head for good.

This morning before I went to work I heard the wind howling trough and against the windows, but I didn't hear rain. When it was time to go I looked out of the windows and the rain came with buckets down, wow, it really rained hard. I should have brought my umbrella, but I thougt the hard wind would break it. I putted on my raincoat over my winterjacket and rain pants over my working trousers, glasses of and there I went. I got soked, but the raincoat and rainpants held my other clothing dry. But oh how I wished for just some winter weather, like frost or just snow. Or just skip all this rain and storm and move over to Spring.

I don't have anything planned the following three days, only Sunday I will be working at the local radio in the city, I'm kinda looking forward to it. Still I sence a bit of nerves, but that's okay, I can handle them. I might go to my Dad's, but I'm not sure yet. It's always such a journey going  to my Dad's, I don't know. It's alot easier when the weather is better too, I will just see what I will do. Perhaps buying a second bike might be a good idea, I will place that bike at the train station where my Dad lives. I will hop on the train here where I live, then when It's time to get out of he train I will jump on my (second) bike and ride to my Dad. Good idea actually. A good idea to think about. 

Further I would like to relax, and get some rest. Laptop, napping, cooking, going trough some flyers or mail, there's enough to do. Taking it easy is a must, in the weektime it's always a rush from here to there. I like and love it though, but my body likes and loves it too to just relax and just do nothing. It's all going to be good, I will enjoy every little thing I do.