Good news from taxes.
.It was to hot to do anything this Wednesday, 27 degrees, now it's hailing while I'm writing this post. Would love to go for a short walk now, but naaah! Tomorrow it will be a bit cooler, then Friday and the weekend tropical weather. Last week I have been painting the hallway, still it's not done. Only the door and window frames are done, now it's only the doors what I have to paint and a few things more. Everything on time though, tomorrow I will clean the paint from the windows. Oh! And some good news today aswell from taxes. I got my Health care benefit back plus my housing benefit. What a relief!! It's been really a struggle to get this done, but I managed it.Here's a reminder... I went to the taxes office a little month ago cause taxes stopped all of my benefits. There I found out that 'they'stopped my benefits not because I have a job now, no! But because my income over this year was more then a million!! Woot! LOL! A few months ago I had to inform taxes cause I got a job. Taxes wanted to know what my income 'now' was since I got that job.
I could have done the 'informing' online trough my own taxes account. It was quit a puzzle, but I managed it. Though I filled it in wrong! "And now?" I asked the lady behind the desk, she told me that that was easy, "Inform them again, do a new filling in on your taxes account, fill in what your income will be over this year," Yeah, that was all, taxes will get the right sum of my income and will confirm this within 6 or 7 weeks. (taxes in Holland are always slow) "And the BIG sum of money I have to pay back then?" I asked the lady. "As soon as I get a second mail from taxes with the options how to pay them back in terms I can already pay them one little term. She replied, "You will receive that money back as soon they confirmed your new income over 2012. Okay, sigh. I needed help with the new filling in, so I asked the lady to help me. "No problem, we are open until 5:00 pm," she said.
The filling in went all good, and I didn't have to worry about anything further. No worries about the big sum I had to pay, (I had to pay all the benefits back from the year 2012) I will NEVER make that same mistake again, again I'm relieved that that's behind me.