Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thank God it's almost Friday!

Thank God it's almost Friday! 

It's been quit the week when it comes to work, our section didn't manage to finish this week orders. We could have, but we came material and tools to short. They had to be ordered, and yeah, ordering takes some time. We did our best, I was exhausted after each work day, but it was well worth it. It was fun to help out, the days flew by. Probably I will work tomorrow a half day, though still not sure.There's still lots of work to do. 

They didn't ask me to work tomorrow a half day, but when I got home I figured, 'oh well, I can manage one more half day. I asked one of the fellow workers on Facebook trough a message if he could need me tomorrow for a half day. He responded by saying that he will keep it in mind. So, maybe tomorrow in the morning I will get a message back. It's all good with me. Like I said, I like to help out and showing "that" is aswell a good thing.

No further plans for the weekend, it rained for the first time today after a few weeks. It cooled down, next week it will get warmer again. Sweating at work the whole day made me cold this evening, lol. I'm writing this post with a thin sweater on and long pants, last few days I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Talking about t-shirts, I still need a few. yeah, I have grown, lol. Some t-shirts I own don't fit me no more. Shame though, they were from Wal-Mart, good memories.