Saturday, June 29, 2013

Double post!

Double post!

I forgot to write a post yesterday, so here's a double. I realized I forgot it, though it was already late and I was tired and felt sleepy.


Work went well, ofcource I was tired afterwards. I have been working hard the last few days at work, the extra half day was though but I managed it. Some of the fellow workers wanted me to stay until 4:30, lol. But no, I have to think of myself aswell, listening to my body, and it says 'Stop!' It's been enough, I cycled towards home and had a few minutes rest. I knew a visitor would show up soon, my lunch for this Friday was already made yesterday. The visitor was Ina, she wanted to have a 'chat up' with me, and that was alright. It was a nice visit, though I felt a nap coming aswell. After Ina's visit, I still had to wait until the 'heater man' would show up. He was gonna check my heater between 1p m and 5 pm. Ina left around 2:30 pm, but no heater man showed up.

I waited until 5 pm and started dinner, yup, 'he' didn't show up! I was done with this 'heater checking,' I called a few times this week already , and twice 'he' didn't show up. And now? Well,  This 'check up' what they do has to be done, just to see how much I used the heater and the boiler in 2013, they check it once in two years.  After the 'check up' they can make a 'nota' by the end of the year and I will have to pay. Without the 'check up' they will make a nota aswell, but they will have to evaluate what I have been used. Then the debt will probably higher, tomorrow I will send this company a mail, and I will call them on Monday. It's not my fault they didn't show up, I'm not gonna pay a penny more.


To go out or not, that was the question today. I still needed some items for my big trip, and I thought, it's now or never, lol. I went! After a good rest in the early morning, I took of around 11 am.with the train to Enschede. Enschede is my favourite city by far when it comes to cities near. it's only a little 20 minutes with the train. It's been a long while but I took my bicycle with me to the train station, Always afraid that my bicycle will be stolen, I always leave my cycle at home. I recently found a good spot to hide my bicycle, it's a spot behind a building near to the train station. Though when I got there I couldn't get behind the building, the gate was closed, sigh! I had to find another spot, luckily  I found one.

Once in Enschede I took my time and decided not to stay that long, I still felt tired, rest was needed soon . The time I spent in Enschede was good, I had a jolly, but busy time. I scored a few summer clothing's and some gifts for Jan and her Family, can you say 'wooden shoes,?  I didn't want to overload them with gifts, though coming with empty hands is not my thing, so, I bought a few simple though fun, cute items. Jan has a large Family, so I think I still need a few little gifts and then I'm done. Last but not least I did my last groceries and bought with succes US Dollars, oh my, that went fast. Not even five minutes and I had them in a nice envelope.

All settled and quit a full day, when I got home I tried to take a second nap but that didn't work, I guess I wasn't that tired then. I spend quit some money today, but it was all worth it and needed actually. I checked my bank account today and found out that the inheritance had arrived. Second thing to do was paying the notary, a small 430 bucks. Log in to my bank account was quit a struggle but I managed. I think it was Internet Explorer was being a pain, I had to log in quit a few times. When I went over to Firefox it was easier. The notary has been payed, over and done. I'm happy with the inheritance, and happy aswell that the notary has been payed. Win!!