Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First day of Spring!

First day of Spring! 

It sure doesn't look like Spring yet but, that will come, every season has a beginning and a ending. I don't mind the cold that much, it's the rain that I dislike. They for spelled rain this week, though I haven't seen any yet, so, all good. This morning was cold, I had a appointment with the therapist, the therapy is for my breathing. I don't breath the right way, I breath more trough my chest instead then trough my stomach, and that can give a certain kind of hyperventilation. I'm not worried about my hyperventilation, slightly more relieved to be honest. For many years I thought my 'chest breathing' was a matter of my thyroid disease. Sure a sick thyroid can give less energy, but so does my 'chest breathing,' aka hyperventilation.

How did it all happen? Long story, I guess I developed it myself, after being diagnosed with my sick thyroid it all started. I have been trough alot and that can give sometimes worries or nerves, some people call it stress. Although I never felt stressed, stress was a to big word for me. Stress is for me 'over the top, or 'totally freaking out' or 'losing all grip of life'. I never had that. Sure, I have seen some counselors, but then again, who hasn't? Ofcource the highly breathing wasn't constantly, I sure had my 'good breathing' moments aswell. But, I did it for so long, I decided it has to stop, lol. It's been long enough, it only gets worse, so here's to the healing! My therapist knew her job well, she heared me out and in the end I had to lay down on a, uhm, it looked like a massage table. 

While I layed there we talked further and she asked me a few things. In the meanwhile she looked and examend my breathing. I noticed that, so I tried to breath like I normally do. She knew what I was talking about, it's nice and good to know that we were on one level with my problems. She gave me some home work aswell. When I'm sitting relaxed on my couch, I'll have to name up four things on my body what feels tense, or how do you say that, tight? For example, do I make a fist? Or do I tighten my face or neck? eEc, etc. Interesting, I knew what she meant, when a body part/muscle  feels tighten or pressured, I'll have to let it go. I know all about it, but to do it and learn it is the second part, lol. I', pretty sure this is going to help me, if not? Then on to the next one, it's all good.