Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday! Almost weekend...

Thursday! Almost weekend... 

Not that much to report today, I had a nice day at work, I worked on my own section, loved it! Finally the holidays are over, now it's working fully weeks (For me 3 days a week) until the big Summer holiday, we have 3 weeks off. On the 27th of July the Summer holiday starts, on the last day at work the whole working crew at work is organizing something special, they do that every year. That something special can be a special dinner or a afternoon out bowling or what ever, just being with each other and enjoying each other. For me it will be the first time, I will let it all come over me, I'm excited, there all a nice bunch of people.

My counselor responded on my mail aswell last night, he still wants to invite my (new) Boss to the 'farewell' party. My counselor's time is up, he has been with me for 8 months, and that was the limit, that was how long his contract was with me. He helped me around with financial things and helping me with reaching my goals. My counselor will visit me in June for one last time, then I will be on my own. With this last time's visit he would like to organize a small 'get together' party. He wants to invite a few people aswell, people who has been a part in my life within the 8 months. One staff member from Humanitas, my counselor's Boss, and aswell my (new) Boss from work. 

So much rain today, I got soaked again after work, took a nice shower, comfy clothes on and relax. Such a different weather the last weekend. It's much cooler aswell.

I think it' still awkward to invite my Boss, "What will she even think if or when I invite her." I don't know, I think it's weird. My counselor responded with, ""Your Boss is from your work from now, she has to be invited too." I think it's still weird to invite her, it's a goodbye or farewell party, people who I won't see again, my new Boss I will see almost every day. No, I'm not inviting her, I like my Boss, that's not it, I just think it's weird to invite her. I gives me a awkward feeling. So, no! I told my counselor that I rather have the two bosses from Reha, they were the people who helped me with my new job, they learned me and welcomed me for there integration environment. "We will talk about this later," said my counselor.

My old dentist sent me aswell a message, reminding me that I have a new appointment next Tuesday, it's a normal procedure, he does that with every appoinmtment , a week before the appoinment he sends a mail. Now, I had to tell him or message him that I have found a new dentist in my own city, I was kinda prepaired for this cause I knew I had a appointment somewhere in June. I messaged my old dentist with saying that I found a new dentist, and that it was much easier now having a dentist much closer. I told him aswell that I was sorry that I didn't messaged him sooner, right after I found my new dentist.... 

Waiting for a response back from him, probably tomorrow morning he will respond back.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Almost my 600th post, oh dear!

Almost my 600th post, oh dear! 

Saturday I will write my 600th post, lol, to much!? Sometimes I think it's to much yes, it's sometimes hard to write something down too. Every night around 9:00 I write a post, I write about what the day brought me, thoughts, excitement, sadness, just anything. Sometimes I think I write just to much, I mean who actually cares if I do the laundry or that I took a nap? But it's fun to write, but yeah, just that sometimes I think it's just to much. But stopping with writing? Well, I thought about it, but no, I certainly won't. Maybe one day, ofcource you have sometimes days when you have nothing to write and you write anyway. I always think of something, aswell to make these posts interesting

Anyway, on with the 596th post. Today was alright, just a normal day off. Resting, one load of laundry, and later in the afternoon the free dinner. I really need more to do about 'having friends, or new friends' around me, 'join that club, go to that gym!' Yeah I should, cause it's still the same with me, ofcource I enjoy myself and go out so now and then. But ofcource it's so much more fun going out with more people and enjoy things with each other, right? I'm still working on it, it's such a slow process and hard work aswell. But I'm not giving up! 

last week I suddenly thought about that I have to inform the social welfare in my city, cause I still get monthly money from them. But now that I have a payed job with a contract that social welfare has to stop paying me. Or else if I wait to long I will have to pay the 'to much earned money back. I was getting money from the social welfare cause my income (When I was jobless) was under the minimum wage, social welfare had to fill that up. But that's not longer needed now that I have a job, sure,they may pay me money every month but that's against the law, lol. I will get in trouble. I should have inform them right away on the 1st of May, but I forgot. 

A few days ago I received  money from the month may, Most probably I will have to pay that money back. I sent them a mail today with my story and they sent me already a message back saying that they will send me a form by mail that I have to fill in with details of what date I singed my work contract, what I earn in the month, etc, etc. Everything will be taken care off, glad I took care of that.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012



So, my counselor who has his last visit in a few weeks, wants to give a small 'Farewell' party because the eight months contract (or how you call it) has ended, I will be on my own now, I will have to arrange the 'things' on my own. About the 'Farewell'party, nice! I like that. My counselor was the person who helped me around with finance, socializing, goals and whatever I still wished , wanted or had troubles with when I lived for the first time on my own again, after I lived fat Humanitas (Shelter) for almost eight months. Who's invited? My counselor (Sahajo) announced the names in the mail he sent today, Heidi, she's a staff member of Humanitas (where I was) then there's Marie-Jose she's the Boss from Sahajo (my counselor) and then there's me and ofcource Sahajo. And last but not least, My Boss from work....

Hmm.. I find that a bit awkward, I don't know. In my eyes inviting my Boss from work for a 'Farewell' party, cause Humanitas and my counselor or ending my 8 month contract with them. Ofcource I have nothing against my Boss, but what does/did she has/had to do with Humanitas, perhaps Sahajo finds that my Boss was a part of my goals in the last 8 months. (work) I find it awkward and I think that 'she' will feel or think the same, I think I will be embarrassed aswell, to just ask her, what will she even think of me when I ask her? No hard feelings but my Boss is not invited, then I can invite my Doctor or Dentist aswell. Right? Then I rather invite two staff members from Reha, where I used to work before I went to my new job. Freddie my old Boss, and Marleen, she was sort of my guider, or how you call it at Reha. 

I still have to thank them both to for what they have done for me, it would be perfect to have them both invited! P.s I already asked to have them invited 5 minutes ago, hoping there coming too. Sahajo asked me if I wanted to visitors at Humanitas or at my place, after a ten minute thought I decided to let them here in my house. I was a bit nervous though, just the thought to have them all here, lol. "Do I have coffee enough? Do they want one or three cuppa coffee, or perhaps tee? Is my house clean enough and tidy?" I was thinking that I would be more busy with myself being worried about my visitors then the whole 'Farewell' party, lol. But, let them come here, I would love to see there reaction of how I live, or how well I'm doing. Yeah I'm quit excited, excited to see them again. There such a nice bunch of people.

Oh yeah, work went well today! Again another section, but oh well, I can't complain, I got a job! Thursday I will be on my own section again, yay! I think I'm a flexible person in my Boss's eye, I can be placed on several sections in the factory, and that's a good thing, right?

Monday, May 28, 2012

"This weather can make you lazy."

"This weather can make you lazy."

Another resting day, it felt like just another Sunday. Getting things ready for tomorrow's work, lunch, working clothes and working shoes, resting and trying to take a nap. Napping went well, I only took one today. I didn't hear anything from the ol' Humanitas residents, if they wanted to go out or get together, so I went out by myself for a little bit. I took my bike and ride it towards my Dad, the weather was good, sunshine and a warm temperature. First I wanted to go with the train but I wanted to save the 6 bucks train money.

It's still a long ride to my old village Nijverdal, I only come there to visit my Dad. Today I went a bit further, I passed my old house and my old parents house while riding trough Nijverdal.With the old house from my parents isn't much changed, I wonder if the same people still live there, the people who took over the house. My old house has changed so much, specially the garden, I had such a nice garden with all little rocks (so handy) and lots of little bushes and flowers. It's all gone now, I saw nothing but sand and a few flowers, gone little rocks. 

Still I don't like my old village, it's all what a village should be I guess, quiet, and nothing going on. I'm happy I live in Almelo, city Almelo. Almelo is a small city but it's still a city, lol. With here and there awkward people, and here and there are or graffiti on a wall. I like it, I'm good in Almelo. Funny enough someone asked me today if I would ever return to Canada, let's say Toronto to immigrate. Well, I would. I think, but I must be sure that everything is settled about the immigration, passport, work, and everything what's needed to settle in 

Dad was alright, he was quiet and tired I guess. He just finished dinner, and felt like sleeping. I didn't stay that long, just a small 30 minutes. I was feeling exhausted from the long bike ride, I was glad I was sitting. I had the wind in the back when I went back to Almelo, nice feeling. I took my time, I even had a little ice cream break, lol. When I got home I took a small break and afterwards I took of to the free dinner, it wasn't busy at all. Finally work tomorrow, I had a nice few days off.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chicken Tajine!

Chicken Tajine!

Made another meal for dinner tonight, with success. Though I was a bit worried cause it was a couscous dish, instead of a rice dish, I didn't know, I didn't saw it on the package. I never made couscous before, eek! Couscous is a coarsely ground semolina pasta that is a dietary staple in North African countries. It is also widely used in Middle Eastern countries and has become popular in American dishes. It is made of semolina, flour, salt, and water. Similar to rice in shape, color, and texture, it is used in many dishes as rice would be. A grain of couscous is similar in size to a grain of sugar. Thank you

Me and cooking is a slow process, lol. Specially if I have to cook and look from a package where the  description is written on. Sometimes I drop things or I spill a few food items, plus I have to read the description over and over and step by step. But the result is mostly a succes, I learn from it aswell, cause sometimes I have to do things what I normally never do. For example today I had to marinate the sliced chicken breast, that went well and it made the chicken taste so much better. Aswell I need a zucchini, I had them before with Saf's family, alot actually. I never bought one here in Holland, so now I did. Excitement!

Lately I have been buying these cooking packages alot, only in the weekends though, Sunday's are the best for slow cooking. With the cooking packages I mean these ones.... 

The Knorr cooking packages, there are spices and other items of food in it, aswell is says on the package what you have to add more to get the complete dish done.

So I started... 

Inside the package were a marinate mix, a sauce powder mix, and ofcource the couscous with raisins. I had to add one chicken breast, one zucchini, one onion, and a winter carrot, this carrot is bigger then a normal carrot. But I couldn't find any winter carrot in any store, prolly cause it's a winter meal, I don't know and oh well. 

Step 1) Cut the chicken into cubes. Mix in a large bowl the little bag of 'marinade' with two tablespoons oil and add the chicken to it. Stir well and  let it marinate for ten minutes. Chop the onion and zucchini into pieces.

Step 2)  Heat a frying pan or wok without oil and fry the marinated chicken cubes until they are golden brown. Then add the choppedonion and zucchini and cook another four  or five minutes.
Step 3)  Add f the bag bag of sauce in the pan  and then 175 ml of water. Stir it all well until it slowly cooks. Then place the lid on the pan and cook over low heat for ten minutes to simmer

Step 4) Place in a pan 300 ml water and boil it. After the boiling remove the pan from the heat and add the contents of the bag "couscous with raisins' and stir well. Put the lid on the pan and let the couscous stand for five minutes, until all the water is absorbed.
After that serve the
sauce over the couscous. Bon appetite! 

Results of one hour of cooking...

Starting with a zucchini, here it goes, LOL! 

While cooking it can happen that you get a bit bored...

Cooking the marinate chicken, the onion and the zucchini, I didn't had olive oil so I used two spoons of melted baking butter. Olive oil would have been better. 

Added the sauce with 175 ml water, sigh, how much is 175 ml water? I thought, even though I had a measure cup, I still didn't know. I had to guess, and I guessed good. 

The couscous, what a relief, I had already rice standing ready if I would mess up the couscous. But I did well. I had to add 300 ml water, and again I guessed good, lol. 

Tadaa, surprising myself that I succeed, and it smelled and tasted so good. There you have it Chicken Tajine!  

This Sunday was slowly, I was slowly aswell and felt tired. I needed three naps to overcome this day, I felt much better afterwards. The last week and the last two days off I was a bit to busy I guess, blame the good weather. It's the first day of Pentecost today, tomorrow will be the second. Usually on such days the first day there's not much to do, people rest or spend time with there families. On the second day there is much more to do, people go out to festivals or markets or parks. 

I'm sure the highway will be packed with cars tomorrow, all heading to the beach or lakes. Such a good weather lately, it looks like Summer, lol. Nearly 30 degrees the last 5 days. I don't know yet what I'm gonna do tomorrow, visiting my Dad or go out with a few ol' Humanitas residents. I don't mind either, I sure had a few good days.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bussloo beach.

Bussloo beach.

It was a nice day at the beach, it wasn't that busy strangely enough. The weather was superb! First a little groceries in the early morning, I forgot the cheese yesterday, and I needed cash money for the bus, or perhaps an icecream or french fries at the beach. I left at 9:15, the train left at 9:48. I had little travelbag with me, packed with beach items, like, towels, water, slippers, and suncreme. This bag was heavy, damn, did I had to carry this bag the whole day with me? Yes! 

Always handy those slippers, even when there one size to big, lol.
It was so, so busy in the train, I had to stand mostly of the time, oh well, it was only for 45 minutes. Further everything went fine, after the train I took a small neighborhood bus to the beach. Not exactly to the beach but near the beach, lol. The busdriver dropped me off at the sauna from Bussloo, cause that was his end station.  According to the busdriver it was sure way, way  to long to walk all the way from the sauna to the beach, "Are you sure you want to get out here?" He said.

Bussloo beach is huge, 8 hectare.
The busdriver gave me advice to go with him back to another bus stand what lays almost near the beach before I got in the bus.The drive only takes longer though he said, but I got out, I was sure the beach was near the sauna, and yeah I was right. It was only a five minute walk, insert snort. I enjoyed the sun and the people around me, here and there were kids playing, but that was okay. I had a great day, here and there a bit of sunburn, but further then that, TOP! I sure will be back.

Friday, May 25, 2012

"The art is not in making money, but in keeping it."

"The art is not in making money, but in keeping it." 

Another day well spent, I don't know but this warm weather gives me more energy then usual. I planned a nap in the early afternoon, but I couldn't catch my needed sleep. Instead I went for a long bike ride, that was fun too though. In the morning I bough all the groceries I needed for the upcoming week, normally I would do my groceries spreading over two days, but I got plans for tomorrow, I just can't sit still with such lovely weather, LOL! Going to the beach tomorrow.

Ofcource you need a few things when you go to a beach.... Like a few extra large towels, slippers, something to read, sun lotion, food and drinks, etc etc. Together with my groceries I bought a few things I needed for tomorrow, two extra large towels, sun lotion and slippers. I went from store to store to find a few large beach towels for cheap, and I found them. Aswell the sun lotion, I think I spent more then 15 minutes in the pharmacy to look for a decent (cheap) sun lotion, should I take factor 15, or 20 or perhaps 30? 

I saw a nice good bottle but I'm not gonna spend 15 bucks for such a small bottle. I took the other one, a nice price and factor 30. Still expensive though, but anyway. I had a FULL bag of groceries, my fridge was totally empty so it was needed. Difficult riding a bike with a full bag of groceries and a bag full of towels, sun lotion and slippers, but I arrived.. Yeah, much money spended today, sigh, well much, uhm, it's alright I guess. Just things what I needed, the towels will always come in handy, aswell as the sun lotion and the slippers. 

The bike ride was nice, though it was a tiny bit cooler then yesterday, and there was a strong wind. They gave a warning for people with hay fever, but I didn't had any problem, weird, cause, I have hay fever.  Lucky me then, it's weird, cause every year it's different with my hay fever, then I have it and then I don't have it. I went from her to there while riding my bike, exploring different routes trough the city, banning the centre. I found some nice spots to cycle, I even found a long route to ride all the way to Nordhorn, Germany.

I got a little sunburn today, but it's okay, it's not that hurting. Beach tomorrow, factor 30 will surely come in handy. I don't want to get a sunburn again, safety first. The beach is near the place where I went to last weekend, the sauna! Behind the sauna is a huge enormous lake, there I will be tomorrow. I have been there before, as a kid with my Mom and Dad, and aswell alone. It will be a good day.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pentecost in a few days.

Pentecost in a few days. 

It was a so so day at work, they sent me to this other section again. I didn't really like it though, but okay. I was standing behind a machine a whole day, it was just the same thing over and over. This machine punshes holes into aluminium rods, these rods where small but quit long. But because they were from aluminium they weren't heavy, all I had to do is put a rod into the machine and take it out again when the holes were punshed, quit easy. Though  a bit boring if you do it a whole day. This machine was a bit in the back of the hall, so not much people around me, for a quick chat or a joke. But I had a radio there, so that was nice.

Though I like my own section, there are more different things to do, I really love that section. There isn't one thing I hate to do. When it's not that busy in my own section, I will be the first one to sent away, though this happens not that much luckily. Or when that 'other' section needs more people, I will be on the list with a few other people to work there. For a day it's fine to work on that other section, perhaps two days, but for always, no! There might be a chance that my Boss wants to put me there, but those are just my (negative) thoughts. I have been put there quit a few times now... 

Another warm hot day it was again, for the first time I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt at work. That was really comfy with this warmth. I weared a black Winnie the Pooh shirt, lol. It was the only old (for work) shirt I had with short sleeves. I had doubts to wear this shirt, but I did anyway, lol. Doubts because I might get funny comments, it's not really a 'man' shirt right? LOL! Sure I had some funny comments on the shirt today, but I made jokes about it too, it was all good, lol. Best comment: A fellow worker found a Winnie the Pooh coffee mug in our cantine and gave it to me for today, lol, "Now your done," he said.

Wow, four days of again, upcomming Sunday and Monday it's Pentecost. I will just see what I will do then. For sure trying not to spend that much money for a change, lol. Trying to visit my Dad with Pentecost, proabably Monday I think. It's been two weeks since my last visit.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012



More then 30 degrees today, my oh my! I'm still sweating while I'm writing this post, unbelievable. I'm not gonna complain, I'm not gonna complain, lol. I love this weather, though it's mostly all or nothing in Holland. We Dutch people longed for the summer while it was cold and wet, so 'beng' here it is, out of know where. It's extremely hot inside aswell, I really have to get me some mosquito screens and dark curtains. Strangely enough with such hot weather it seems my energy level is on his highest, I just have to go out for a walk or for a bike ride. 

I went for a bike ride, two actually. This morning I had to copy a few things and then send it to my employment agency, I'm glad that's done! Now the agency can figure and puzzle out what I really (may) earn every month, this agency does make out what I will earn every month. It's the way it is, like it's always been. The second bike ride I did in the early afternoon after my nap. I took water and fruit with me and ofcource my camera....

Drove quit a few hours in the heat, felt nice... I took this picture near a lake in Almelo. 

A nice ramp (I think it's called a ramp) full with gravity! Nice for taking a picture. 

Farm land, we have lots and lots of those... 

 Not busy at all in this forest, it seemed I was the only one. 

So nice with the sun coming trough the tree's.

I made a bit of a noise passing these cows, they were surprised to see me I think... 

Farm land! 

The cows were not surprised anymore... One last picture and I took off... 

I don't know if you see the peacock , but this huge bird scared the crap out of me. I heard it make noise and I turned around and there I saw a little farm, so I thought, "Oh nice this farm had rare birds, let's have a look." All of a sudden the peacock passed my bike so closely, and it was just walking loose. Not even in a cage.

When I returned after a few hours of biking I rested, then took of for the free dinner, it was not even busy there, I guess it was just to warm. I was right on time at my house after the dinner, there was a thunderstorm on his way, and it broke loose just when I got home. Nice and refreshing, tomorrow will be warm aswell. I bought a few nice cookies for tomorrow's work, just to celebrate that I'm one of the workers now, celebrating that I have a contract. The cookies look nice, orange chocolate cookies with a little hole inside, lol.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Looking back?

Looking back?

Just found this video above, I like planes. Sometimes I look them up on You tube and watch them take off or land, the bigger the better. I still remember my first flight, and ofcource my last flight. My first flight was a 100% excitement, and ofcource a bit nerves for what Canada will bring me. Painfull was my last flight, returning to Holland from airport Pearson Toronto Canada. Yes, sometimes I still look back at my time in Canada, it would be weird and akward if I didn't. Flashes from how it was pass sometimes my thoughts, or those suddenly thoughts, like, 'I wonder how it is with Saf,' or Nemo or the other kids. Or seeing something on TV, or the Internet, or someone is asking me about my time in Canada, that gives me aswell those 'Canada' thoughts. Though those flashes are less, much more less then... let's say the first half year when I got back in Holland. Plus those flashes are much more painless or harmless, if those flashes stay this way like they are now... Then I'm signing for them! 

Like I said before, 'I want to keep the memories,' I don't want to forget them. It was a huge adventure, and that adventure I would like to keep as a good memory. At work they sometimes ask me things about Canada, just short things, about how Canada (the country) is like, or they ask me sometimes shortly about my ex or the kids, just short, small questions. I'm fine with that, it doesn't bug me at all, ask ahead! It's all fine with me, Knowing that is a nice feeling. Seeing the video above.... A KLM Boeing 747 taking of from Pearson Toronto towards Schiphol Amsterdam Holland reminds me still of the time when It was time to leave Toronto Canada for good, and that still hurts a bit. Seeing the plane go up gives me strong clearly memories of how I felt, I see myself in that plane. Anyway... a deep sigh and on with this day!

Today was hot... I mean HOT! I felt it already when I was cycling to my work this morning. The nice fresh breath air changed quickly in warmth and it felt sweaty on my skin. I saw more workers working in T-shirts and shorts, I probably will wear shorts to the following work day aswell, It's alowed, lol. I worked today on another section, on this section there not using glue or dirt, so yeah, short sleeves and a pair of shorts is alowed. Though the temperature will go down just a little bit the rest of the week, so I will see. Tomorrow's a day off, and yeah, there expecting rain, sigh! Me not like on my day off, I planned to have a nice bike ride. With such gorgeous weather I always want to go out or do something, just for a walk or sit in the sun, or take my bicycle. I have other things to do aswell tomorrow, kinda hectic but okay.

My employment agency where I get my monthly money from wants to know what I earn every month from my new job, cause in the month May I will get a part of money from my job and a part of money from my employment agency. It is like that because I'm not fulltime working, I'm not working five days a week. I can't cause I'm sick, so yeah, if I wasn't sick I could work five days a week, and then aswell I had nothing to do with this employment agency. I'm only working three days a week, so I earn not that much, (I'm under wage) my employment agency fills the 'under minimum wage' up. It's horrible explaining sometimes from Dutch to English, but I think you'll get the message, lol. Now let me get slowly ready and prepair myself for another sweaty night, it's been a busy sweaty day, so sleep will be fine.

Monday, May 21, 2012

"....A nice breath of air in the early morning."

"....A nice breath of air in the early morning."

I didn't sleep so well last night, I couldn't catch my sleep. It was warm, and I felt like I only slept for a few hours, it could have been a few hours more, I don't know. It's almost like 'all or nothing' with this weather, today it was 25 degrees, tomorrow will be even warmer. Though it sounds like I'm complaining, well, maybe just a bit then. I love Summer and I like the warm weather, though I have to get used to the warm sleeping nights. Blankets off and on again, tonight I will sleep with only a sheet, let's see how that goes.

I was a bit out of breath this early morning, I guess I slept just a bit to warm with my thick blanket. It was such a nice relieved feeling to go outside in the early morning, on my way towards work. Work went well today, though it was warm, hence the long sleeve what I was wearing. But the long sleeve and long pants is needed, we work with glue and dirt, if or better when the glue gets on your skin it's a pretty tough work to get it all off. It's almost not to do, some workers use sandpaper to get the glue of the skin. I use sandpaper sometimes too, to get the glew of my hands. 

Just a light sandpaper, then I was my hands afterwards with soap. Today I had to order my working clothes aswell, a worker came with a list, and asked me what I wanted. "You can pick five clothes," he said. I picked two polo-shirts, two T-shirts and one long sleeve, maybe I should have picked two long sleeves instead of one, lol, glue on my arms. Hope I sleep a bit btter then last night, I'm almost sure I will.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Warm, warmer, warmest!

Warm, warmer, warmest! 

I love the temperature the last few days, it's between 20 and 24 degrees, sunny with here and there a cloud. This coming week will be even better, between 21 ans 25 degrees. I'm loving it. I stayed inside though today, rest is needed on Sunday's, cause Monday's work is calling again. Early up and a long day. I wonder how warm it will be at work, some workers complained already about the warm weather. I can stand warm weather, like I said, I love it.

The rooms in my house are warm when the sun shines on the windows, I have my sun-screens down but, it doesn't really stop the sun from shinning inside. I need curtains, dark curtains, one in the living room and one in the sleeping room. I could use some window and door screens aswell for the mosquito's, so I can open a door or window while it's warm, specially in the evening. The rooms need fresh air. It's okay for now, but I'm sure it will get warmer and warmer.

I didn't do that much today, getting a few things ready for tomorrow's work. I was looking for a few work t-shirts, lol, but couldn't find any. Though I have a black Pooh t-shirt, a gift from Canada, lol. But wearing a Pooh t-shirt to work? I don't know, better not I guess. I'm still waiting for my working clothes, I should get them from my Boss, but... nothing yet. Perhaps this week, I hope so, cause it's needed. Gosh, I'm so looking forward to this Summer, Summer is my favorite season.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A nice day at a new sauna!

A nice day at a new sauna! 

A great day, nice weather, I didn't expect it would be that warm, wow! I packed my bag with three towels, bathrobe, slippers, lunch, soap, and a bottle of water. I needed a bigger travel bag then the one I had already layed ready last night, that one was way to small. On my way to the train station, nice on time and feeling well. It felt like it was a Sunday, cause I usually go on a Sunday to the sauna. I'm going to a sauna where I never have been, and I'm going to village where I never have been. Though I made a little note for myself to know how and where I must go.

The train trip wasn't that long and not even difficult, I only had to switch once. I had to be in Voorst-Empe, a little tiny farmers village, with a even smaller train-station. If it was good then at that tiny little train station had to be a small neighborhoods taxi-bus, what brings me to the sauna. And lucky I was, the bus stood there, the short drive costed me only a few Euro's. No one was in the bus, just me and the driver. We talked a few words, I asked for information aswell, cause around the sauna or I must say near by, there's a huge lake where people can swim and sunbath. I would love to go there a few times too during this Summer. 

A Thermen Bussloo sauna plastic bag, where you can put some stuff in and take with you in the sauna. For example towels, glasses, soap.
 As a kid I went there many times with my Mom and Dad and other Family. The bus driver told me that that was easy, he can drop me right of at the entrance of the lake, that's good to know. I arrived nicely on time at the sauna, this sauna was huge, wow, many cars at the parking lot aswell. The bus driver dropped me right of before the sauna entrance, "I will be standing here every half hour, until a quarter to seven tonight," he said, that was alright with me. At the reception at the sauna were standing three ladies waiting for the visitors, I told one of them I had a reservation and the lady asked on what name.

After telling my name she told me a few instructions about this sauna and where I had to go first, dressing rooms, shower and the sauna's. I thought I would get a guide around but no, her explanation was easy to understand so, a guide around wasn't needed. Yeah, this sauna was huge, many, many sauna's and lots of people. What I first noticed was that the visitors here were shy, all covered up tight with bathrobes and towels. I mean, I have been in many sauna's and for what I saw was that everyone was mostly nude while walking to a sauna cabine , or shower, or a pool. 

They even had sauna bicycle!
Ofcource it's a must to put on a bathrobe while your going to the dinning or lounge room in this sauna. Most people were covered in bathrobes and towels covering there nude bodies, it made me almost shy too, it gave a akward feeling. I wasn't used to this, I thought, "Now I'm gonna cover myself too, cause I didn't wanna feel different then the others, lol. I didn't wanna have all eyes on me, cause people might think, "Oh dear look at him, is that normal to walk nude like that?" The covering up wasn't a pleasant feeling when I came out of a warm/hot sauna, feeling all hot and steamy. 

It felt even warmer this bathrobe, not really my way to cool down. I spent a little time longer outside for the cool down. I went in many sauna's, they were all so nice, and so many.Not in alphabetic order: Kelo aufgus saunaAarde-Sauna: (Earth-Sauna) Himalayan salt crystal cave, four elements sauna, dromedarium, (a resting room with warm heated up beds) Panorama sauna, (what a great vieuw over a huge lake) Finnish sauna, (so darn hot, I only stayed inside this cabine for only 5 minutes, I felt like I was on fire) Roses sauna, )for the romantic couples, with rose leaves and such) Infrared sauna, caldarium sauna, (steam bath)  Sanarium (light therapy sauna) 

The litte train station towards home, Voorst-Empe.
Further in this huge complex: a little beach in the garden, a zen garden, Thais tea-house, swimming pool, (goes from inside to outside) Hama bath with a aqua sound turning water streams, a cool of zone with ice scrubs, a lounge area inside and outside, feet baths, Mediterranean, (a resting room with warmed up water beds and lights) osmanish bathing house, ( with salt scrub and a blossom bath. etc, etc, I think I named most of them. I didn't went in every one of them, there was just not enough time. I stayed untill 5:00 pm, I took a good shower, putted my clothes on, packed my bag and took off. 

I was a bit worried about the sum of money what I had to pay in the end, but it was okay. It wasn't more then I had expected, so all good. Yes, I had a little snack and one drink, an apple cake with a glass of milk. The weather was still so nice when I was waiting outside the sauna for the bus, sun and here and there a lost cloud, not even cold with 2o degrees. I love the Summer, hope it stays for a long time. The little bus came again, and brought me to the nearest train station, Voorst-Empte. Within a small 90 minutes I was home, tired but felt great, clean and good. I made a start with dinner, and unpacked my sauna bag. The relaxing can begin. 

I had a nice day, though I should bring someone with me next time, cause alone is okay but with company is so much nicer. Tomorrow I will be resting, and preparing myself for Monday's work.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Re-booked another trip... what a relief!

Re-booked another trip... what a relief! 

I was slightly a bit nervous to call the tour operator for booking another trip this morning, but I wanted too and it was needed. A few days ago the tour operator where I booked a excursion trip to Prague send me a mail with the message that they cancelled the trip, pity! I had two options, I could get my money back or book another trip. I booked another trip this morning, I was kinda nervous cause I don't know what the tour operator is gonna handle this, or how he or she is gonna act. The tour operator advised me to call, cause they told me this aswell in the mail. 

The call went so easy, it didn't even last 5 minutes, lol. I had everything laying next to me, my cellphone number, my bank account number, ID, all this for just in case. It all wasn't needed. All the info they wanted to know from me was already written in the cancelled  trip to Prague So, the five day excursion trip to Berlin (Germany) has been confirmed! Ya! The tour operator asked me if I wanted a travel assurance and four times dinner aswell, I answered, yes, sure! I took the full program cause this trip to Berlin was alot cheaper then the trip to Prague, I knew that I would get a part of my already payed money back.

With things like this I'm always aware of my money, I'm very carefull with it for sure. Today I spent money aswell, sigh, sometimes you just gotta, lol, sometimes it's just needed. My fridge was empty again, as usual on Friday's. I needed bathing slippers aswell for tomorrow's visit to the sauna, they weren't so expensive. I washed my new bathrobe too today, and.... it shrunk just a little bit, sigh. I guess I wash it to warm, lol. But oh well, the bathrobe covers it still all, so, no worries here, LOL! Slightly a bit nervous for tomorow, I will try to keep my wallet as much as closed.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hemelvaart/Feast of the Ascension.

Hemelvaart/Feast of the Ascension.

It's the day of the Feast of the Ascension today, also known as Holy Thursday or Ascension day. The Ascension of Jesus refers to Jesus bodily ascending to heaven in the presence of his apostles, forty days following his resurrection. When I was still young Mom, Dad and I would visit our church on a Holy day like this. But I guess that faded slowly away whit the following years. In my youth we went every weekend to the church, Dad was in a church choir, and Mom always singed along when there was a singing moment. Bless my Mom! 

On days like these some Dutch people go to church, but most people go out, to festivals, events, or to shopping malls. It's becoming almost a tradition, on days like these you'll have to go out. There's on tradition with this feast what I like, or I must say liked. It's called 'Dauwtrappen,' people go on there bikes VERY early in the morning, and cycle. It's a nice sight seeing if many people do this, when you cycle you will see loads of other people cycle aswell. They will greet each other and continue there ride. I used to do this too with my friends when I was a teenager, radio with us and food and drinks. 

Cycling in the early morning!
I cycled today aswell, but not that far, lol. I needed a ticket to charge up my cellphone, ugh, lots of money, and I needed a bathrobe. Bathrobe? Yep, this comming Saturday I decided after long thinking and doubting the last few days to go to a sauna.  It's been a while, and I really wanted to go to a sauna where I never have been. It's going to be a huge sauna/spa in the middle of Holland, I will travel by train and bus. The sauna is called 'Sauna thermen Bussloo,' it's a quit expensive sauna aswell. But it's worth the money, it's huge with lots of sauna cabines and whirlpools. 

Sauna thermen Bussloo.
For sure I will take it easy with my money there, the food there is riduculous expensive so I will avoid that. It was akward that I had to make a reservation for this sauna, just to let them know that I'm really comming. Oh well, I'm sure it's gonna be fun. Tomorrow might be a hectic day, I need to do groceries for this comming week, cause Saturday I don't have time. I have to re-book a excursion trip too, cause my other excursion trip to Prague has been chancelled. I will have to re-book a new trip trough my cellphone, that's why the phone charging today. I want to gett his over with as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Goodbye Prague.... Hello Berlin or Luxembourg... sigh!

Goodbye Prague.... Hello Berlin or Luxembourg... sigh!

An hour ago I received a E-mail from the travel company where I booked my excursion trip for this Summer, they tried to contact me the last few days but without success, the mail was about my booked excursion trip to Prague. Weird, cause I had my phone with me the last few days, probably I gave them a wrong number. Either way the email sounded urgent and ofcource it worried me. I tried to E-mail them back them back but no success either. I dislike having to call someone, it makes me nervous and that way I can't talk that easily. But sometimes you just gotta, right? I decided to call the travel company back, I knew that my cellphone has to be charged but what the heck, I'll give it a try, I had to know (right away) what was going on. 

I called and I had right away the right person on the phone, she could tell me that the 8 day excursion trip to Prague has been cancelled. Pity, sigh! My first worries was my money, cause I already payed the full amount. The woman on the phone told me that I can get my money back easily, though aswell I could book another trip. I don't have to pay twice 'then', cause the money what I already had payed will stay in their account. My cellphone warned me that my phone needs to be charged soon, so I tried to handle this situation a bit faster. I knew what was going on and I knew that I can get my money back or order a new excursion trip. I only had to know now 'how' to order a new trip in this situation. Can I do that as usual trough 'their' site or...?

What's it gonna be? Luxembourg or......
The woman told me that I can just call them, cause in this situation it's easier to book a trip trough the phone, otherwise I will have a double booking. Makes sense. But what a bummer all this cancelling! I already went to the travel company's site to look for a comparable trip, not that easy cause I had to look for the right date, cause of my Summer vacation day's off from work, and I didn't want to pay much more then what I already have payed. The new excursion trips were a disaster cause I couldn't find a proper date, most proper dates were fully booked. Other excursion trips were just to expensive. I looked for city trips, that went better, I found a few nice trips with a proper date and there both were payable. 

.......Berlin (Germany)
Five days to Berlin (Germany) or four days to Luxembourg, I'd say Berlin, I never been there and what I saw what they're gonna do in these five days sounded good. I saved the two trips in my favorites, and I will look trough them tomorrow once again. These two trip are much cheaper then the trip to Prague, so probably I will hopefully get a sum of money back. Oh I want this to be behind my back, it's just a bit nerve wrecking, lol. I want this to be done, handle it off right away. I guess Friday will be the day that I will call them, cause tomorrow is a holiday. And I need to have my cellphone charged, and that's not possible cause tomorrow all shops and stores are closed. So yeah, Friday is a good day.

This has been a nice day, here and there a few rain and hail storms but the sun was there aswell. I bought my groceries in the morning just before a rain storm, pfffeeww! I just deeded a few groceries, the free dinner tomorrow isn't going trough cause of the tomorrow's holiday. So I have to prepair one dinner more then usual, lol. My counselor came aswell this afternoon, he announced that he will come one more time in June, then his duty is done with me. I was aware of this, so I wasn't surprised, it's all good. He did alot for me, but aswell I wanted to do aswell things, just to get used to do it myself again. That went good, my counselor told me that I can be proud of myself, "You did well and at the moment your doing much better, financial, physical, mental."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Welcome to Abi, your new job!

Welcome to Abi, your new job! 

The Boss walked towards me this morning, and she guided me to her office. I knew what for, signing the contract, finally. We both red trough the contract, the rules and the confirms. "Just standard rules," said my Boss, it was all easy to understand. Though I still had a few questions, 'How do I get my loan, how much will it be, and when will I get it.' I will get my loan just normal on my bank account, but first I will get a payroll, (?) trough my mail, and then 2 or 3 days later I will have the earned money on my bank account. Good to know. 

I will have vacation days aswell just like everyone else, though in the factory, though it's slightly a little bit different. Just because I only work 3 days in the week, it's still a bit hard to explain cause I don't understand it that much myself either... lol! I can always ask for a second explanation, my Boss told me. It's not that much different comparing it with my fellow workers. When everyone has a vacation, I will have too vacation, simple. Reading trough the contract went pretty quick, I will read the contract again tomorrow on my day off, with a relaxing cup of coffee.

My counselor will come tomorrow too, I'm sure he wants the read the contract aswell, he may. Maybe if I have a few questions where he has the answer to. Work went pretty well today, my Boss told me this morning while going trough the contract, "If/when you go on like the way you do now, you don't have to worry about anything," in other words I'm doing very well! Nice to hear. My contract will end on the 30th of November, that worried me a bit. But the above what my Boss told me, did me worry less. It's all good! I love my job!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday's a work day.

Monday's a work day. 

Such a nice day today, the weather was great. Though it was cold in the morning, the sun made it feel comfy further today. Still not Summer yet, but that will come, I hope. Work went good as usual, though I guess I need to talk a bit more. I'm not that a talker yet at work, that will come in time aswell. I never been that a talker, sure I talk, but in small groups, and never on the foreground. Shy? Naah, uhm, well, maybe just  bit. When I enter something new I will have to get used to the environment.I always take my time, I think it depends aswell of what kinda new people you have to deal with. 

Tomorrow is the signing of my contract, I went to the office early in the morning, just like I planned. My Boss had already planned that the 'contract signing' was this week, it was written by her in her agenda.  Perfect, I will have a few questions for my Boss aswell. For example, how much money do I get in the month? Or, how do I get to know when I get my monthly loan? Do I get to know it trough mail, or do I get a loan paper from work? Questions where I would like answers on, I guess it will be good. 

Tomorrow is aswell the last working day of this week, sigh, again a short holiday. This coming Thursday it's 'Feast of the Ascension, I think I will go out somewhere. I was thinking of a sauna. It's been such a long time I went there. Just a nice and relaxing day at the sauna would be nice, I will have to look for a close one. They don't have a sauna here in Almelo, pity. I will have a google around, lol. I hope the weather will be good, the forecast forspelled rain and cold... Hope that will turn around.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday's rest...

Sunday's rest... 

After a nice sleep I woke up to start the day, On my list were naps and lots of rest. Though I had a few things to do, ironing, showering and cooking. I spreaded this over the day and in between I rested and took two naps. Normally I don't do two naps, otherwise it's difficult to catch sleep in the night, but I felt sleepy.

The cooking went so so, I bought another new packagee yesterday. Bulgarian pilav, said the package. The package involved rice and sauce. I only had to add tomato paste, 1 onion, 1 green pepper, peaches on syrup, chicken breast, and that was it. While I was preparing dinner I noticed I could need a few kitchen tools more, for example a few bowls more and a measuring cup. I ended up that the sauce for the rice was a bit to watery and the rice a bit to wet, but otherwise it tasted good.

Now let me bombard you with this weekend pictures...

The Rijnhal In Arnhem, the city I visited Yesterday for a record fair. Arnhem is a nice city to visit, I sure will come back one day. 

Inside the Rijnhal, lots of records, cd's and merchandising. It wasn't so busy this time, though I had a jolly good time. 

Like I said, merchandising tons of merchandising.

Canal the Rhine, the largest and longest canal in the Netherlands. In Arnhem. 

The Nelson Mandela bridge to cross the Rhine, first I wanted to go and stand on this bridge to take pictures. But the strong wind and me being kinda scared of heights stopped me.

Dutch flags beside the Rhine.

There were lots of boats harboring here in this tiny little harbor. 

A tiny little truck/car/van at the harbor in Arnhem.

Ships passing trough... 

On my way back to the train station I saw this beauty, lol

Cityville in Arnhem!? 

I like the art on some of the buildings here in Arnhem. 

Ready to return home, I should have take this picture a bit bigger so you could see that this train is a double-decker. 

 Instead of only buying cd's I thought I could use a new coffee mug aswell, shame actually to get the mug out of the package.

Out of the package, still a nice coffee mug, lol. 

Again my new glasses, yesterday I posted a black and white picture, this time a color one. The color of the glasses is dark brown/ black. It's bigger then I used to had. I'm keeping the old one for work.

Tomorrow will be a working day again, love it. It will be a short week with only two days of work, gotta love holidays. Upcoming Thursday we have Feast of the Ascension, the day after we will have just a day off. Tomorrow I will ask my Boss if she will (finally) sign my working contract, it's about time. Slightly a bit nervous about it. It will be good.