Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Worry less."

"Worry less."

Easier said then done right? Just throw of all your worries and be done with it, yeah, easy as that, not! I should not even worry about little things but I do, sometimes I worry about things unknown. And it seems there's always something to worry about, Yeah, seems! My Aunt called last week, I think I mentioned that already. It was about that she and her Husband can't do some of things they use to do for my Dad anymore, 'they' have been chosen by my Dads nurses cause they live close to my Dad. If I would have lived near my Dad I would have been involved more in the 'to do' things. Though I'm involved, ofcource I'm still a Son of my Dad. But it's easier for me and my Dad that a Family member who lives close can do 'those' things. The 'to do' things are simply  financial stuff, for example when my Dad gets mail or he has to pay something, my Uncle will look after that. Aswell when my Dad needs groceries or clothing or whatever, my Aunt and Uncle will do that.

I appreciate that alot what they do, I really wish I could do it, or was able or have the energy to do it. I could do something ofcource but like I said, my Uncle and Aunt live near, plus they offered the help aswell. What I do is trying to visit Dad once a week or perhaps once in two weeks, depends if I have the time and the energy. Though I really wish I could do more, lots more. Sometimes it worries and hurts me, it even gets worse when my Aunt sometimes calls to make that feeling worse. "You should come more often, you have plenty of time, you are never here, your Dad complains," I can go on and on. And when they began about Canada ("We warned you not to go!") then I'm really done with them, it's typical my Aunt. It's aswell typical my Dad's side of the Family. Always nagging and negative. At the moment my Uncle is sick and is not able to help my Dad financially, plus my Aunt can't drive a car so she's not able to visit Dad anymore once a week.

I knew on forehand that this time would come, my Aunt and Uncle are getting older, so someone else has to do the things what they did for my Dad. I'm 100% sure it isn't that much, I'm sure there is a be a solution. Though it worries me, I need to make a appointment with my Dad's head nurse, (or how you call someone like that) to talk about a solution. I already sent a email but that didn't work out, I will have to go there and talk to one of the nurses. My Aunt writes me almost daily an email, Dad eats weekly his raisin bread what he gets from my Aunt, my Aunt buys it from the store. But my Aunt can't do that no more cause, her husband (my Uncle) is sick, so, Uncle sick, no car, no store, no raisin bread. Now my Aunt wants me to get the raisin bread, (once a week) well, I'm not going from my city to another city to get raisin bread for my Dad, I'm sorry. My Aunt makes such a fuzz about this, I mean...

My Dad can get raisin bread at the place where he lives, solution one.This weekend another email, again about the raisin bread, I told her I was sick and that I perhaps maybe will go on a Wednesday, if not then I will go on a Friday or a Saturday. I told her aswell that she can make a little grocery list, so that I can buy a few things more for Dad. Ugh, I'm so done with my Aunt, I need to get in contact with one of the nurses at my Dads place, together we need a solution for Dads finance and shopping. My Aunt can take a hike! And my worries? Yeah, it's about my Dad, and the nurse appointment that I have to make, and the raisin bread that I have to get this week, lol. I don't even have to, I know. Man up Sjon!!