Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Time flies!

Time flies. 

This day went by fast, before I knew it I was showered after work and sitting comfortable on the couch. Today's work was busy as usual, I like getting nice compliments, it gives me a boost and self confidence. But enough about work, it's nearly time for our Summer vacation. I'm still waiting for my traveling papers, which has the exact time for leaving, and much more information. Though they informed me and aswell the other travelers that a week before leaving they will send the papers. Just me being nerves, if I have the papers I will be fine. 

If I don't get them before the actual traveling time, then I will have to call them, and ask them for the papers. But I guess I'm worried about nothing again, lol, as usual. The weather in our little country has a dip at the moment, lots of rain and cold, the worst day will be Thursday, with rain, hail, thunder, and cold temperature. Though better days are coming they said, next week, sunny weather with high temperature. We just will see, right? Would be nice to have sunny weather with the Summer holiday. Where can I sign?!