Saturday, October 20, 2012

Just a Saturday.

Just a Saturday. 

Today was visiting Dad on my schedule, I went there in the late morning around 11:00. It was still pretty warm outside, unusual warm for this time of year. I switched my winter coat for a thinner one, it surely was needed. Before I took of I had a nap, and decided to have one more after Dad's visit. The visit was quit alright, I bought Dad the sippy cup, two new comfy pants and flowers. He was happy with my visit and my Aunt wasn't there, though I always check the parking lot for my Uncle's car, lol. So much better when my Aunt's not around.

After the visit I took my second nap, and then a early dinner preparing. I had plans to go out this evening but that didn't go trough. I had a coffee 'date' with one of my friends, but she went out with her Son to a football match. It would have been just a visit to a friend, chatting and drink a few coffee's, that's all. But okay, perhaps next time. Today I have been thinking of my time in Canada a few times, don't know why. Do I think alot of that time lately? No, not much, I mean surely not that much as back in the beginning of 2011.

Thinking about it today made me miss my time in Canada, just being there and do the things I did there. Shopping with Saf or just the kids, walking or cycling to the park with the two young ones, the talks, the singing, the jokes, etc, etc. Although the break up and although the 'getting used to everything,' I surely had as great time too. The loving and attention was surely worth while, but I'm here now and that is good too. If I could do it all over again, I would have done it much different, better, much better. Kinda cliche to say, but it's true though. 

I learned alot being in a first time relationship, aswell being a father, oh yes! I have been put trough a test by God, I guess, haha!  Do I wish I could do it all over again? Hmm, I don't know, if that means I have to sell everything here and give up everything here again, then it's a no! But if I could go back in time, to let's say 2009 March being on my way to Saf, yeah, then it's a yes! I never will regret my time in Canada, I had a great time there, and yes aswell though times to get used to things, it surely was a hard lesson to learn. It was a great adventure, only wish I could have stayed longer.

I have become stronger, wiser, and I'm good here. Though I wanna go back one more time, back to Mississauga on a little vacation. Meet friends, see the area, I wonder what that will do to me, it will bring back alot of memories for sure if I would go now, so I will wait a few years, whenever I'm ready. Visiting Sad aswell? No, that will bring alot of memories back, ans seeing the kids, hmm, I'm not ready for that, and I don't think I will ever be. Yeah I miss them when I wrote this post.