Friday, May 3, 2013

Here's the weekend again!

Here's the weekend again! 

Such a nice and relaxing day, even though I have no plans yet for the weekend, I had a nice day today. The weather was gorgeous, sunny and warm, I loved it. It's been a while since I visited my Aunt in Almelo, on my Dad's funeral (3 months ago) she came up to me and told me that I should drop by for a coffee again. I went to visit her in the early afternoon, she lives quit near by.My Aunt where I went to is my 'Godparent' or how you call it, she's my Mother's Brother's wife. My Aunt's Husband (My Uncle, my Mother's, Brother) has died in 2010. When I visited her in the afternoon we had a nice talk, my Aunt's Daughters were there too. Nice people, it was fun and it felt comfy being with them, I'm glad I went there. 

Nice weather to ride my bicycle today, tomorrow probably rain. that will be good for the hay fever.
After the visit I went straight to buy some groceries, nasi is what I have planned to make this evening for dinner. I needed only a few veggies and meat. I bought carrots and leek for the nasi, plus a smoked sausage. Most important ingredient for me while cooking are always the vegetables, then comes the meat and the rice, pasta, potatoes or meat comes second, lol. I think I will skip dinner when there's no vegetables, I have carrot left over from tonight's dinner. Tomorrow I will make potatoes with carrot and mushroom, I need to find a good meat to go with that. Probably fish or chicken will go find with carrot and mushroom. I will see tomorrow.

P.s: Today I saw that a friend of mine was being hospitalized today, it is the lady who I will be visiting in Atlanta/Georgia within a few months. I don't really know what has happened, all I know she's at the hospital in ICU with pain. She mentioned a few other medical terms what I had to Google, can't blame her cause she is a good educated nurse. My first thought was, 'she's working to hard, she collapsed.' I hope she gets her rest and that she will be spoiled rotten by her Family and her close by friends who live near. Just a bit concerned here, not because of my trip to Jan, (That will be fine!) but just hoping she will be fine and well. She's a good friend, and I don't like seeing friends in pain or being sad.