Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas is getting closer!

 Christmas is getting closer!

Yesterday I wrapped my Christmas presents what I bought for the family, it was exciting to do, "Shall I buy some more gifts?" I thought, naah, it's good. I'm watching the kids at the moment and it's getting me tired. That's one thing I won't miss when I'm back. they can be annoying sometimes, asking for food, and snacks. I wish aswell that they stop being so damn cute, LOL!

I did some packing already today, I packed some DVD's and CD's. I did it with mixed feelings, packing my own stuff is not fun!  Saf is going out tonight to Mississauga, she will bring her kids to Hamilton, (to the ex) And Cle will spend a few days In Mississauga, and Saf is staying with a friend. She will prolly meet some other friends aswell. There going to sing some 'karaoke' (one of our favorite things to do when Saf and I went out!) 

Thinking of that makes me sad and makes me missing her already plus the moments we sung together. She will probably talk about the 'break up' with her friend, I guess that just happens, it's normal.(sigh) Such moments I just wish I wouldn't know of, it makes me longing for being somewhere else and just not knowing what she does or what's going on with her!

Today Saf asked me "What can I expect from you while your still here, cause you didn't do the dishes." I replied"What? I usually do dishes, only not yet this afternoon." I was surprised what she said and I told her, "I like to help out, while I'm still here, these last few weeks." I just have the feeling that I'm not allowed to help out now, sometimes.  There saying then, "Were fine and we can manage," or, "I don't want you to help, I'm fine."  It makes me a bit upset.

The evening came and it was time for Saf and her kids to go, on there way to Mississauga. Saf's brother and I made some dinner and afterwards walked to the Beer store. It was a long walk but I didn't mind, cause I wanted this evening to be over as soon as possible, I think you know why. While we were walking we had a nice talk, I think it was the first time we had such a long talk, cause were both not such a talkers in public. When we came home we watched some TV and had a few beers, and then time for bed. it was 11:30, a nice time to close my eyes.

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