Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Early up this morning, like always. I never sleep long, it's just the way I am. I had it also in Canada, I was always up first, sometimes even before the kids were up. I had a good sleep last night, but I think I pulled a muscle, because my left arm was hurting, I could not lay on it. I took a painkiller this morning and I will see how long the pain lasts.

This morning there was the talk with the staff and me, my counselor was there aswell, to hear what's going to happen  next with me. The talk was about if I could stay or not. But they weren't so clear about that while they were talking. It was more a talk about Humanitas, what they all do and what is all possible. And they asked me alot of questions, like what has happened in Canada, and what happened afterwards,they wanted to know about  my personality, do I have friends, did I work before I went to Canada, do I use medication, etc, etc, just to get a image of me. 

Next thing they asked me what I would like to achieve here, and what my future plans are. And if I need help with debts if I had them, or if I need help with my emotional stability. After the long talk I thought to myself, "Does this all mean I can stay now?" Though I didn't ask, "Don't worry," they said. So, yeah, I will see what's gonna happen next, eitherway I have a good feeling about this all.

While I talked with the Humanitas staff, I was a bit upset that they didn't understand a few things. I don't like when people get a wrong image of me. It was about the internet, perhaps they saw me as a computer addict. I told them that it's important for me to keep contact with my friends in Canada. (Saf and the kids, or others) The staff and the counselor told me that it's  important that I build up a new network of friends outside and not only on the computer, "The real life," they said. I agreed with that I have to get some new friends here, just to be outside, explore the city, see people, and go out, move on with my life, but at the moment I'm not ready for that.That will come in time.

"But," I said, "I need aswell my Canadian friends, there important to me." I lived a life in Canada where I could only dream of. Those years with them is a good memory, I will never forget them , no one is taking that away from me. And it's not that I have to talk daily with them, cause I need to continue my life aswell, I need a job, I need a house. If someone is offering me a job or a house, I will take it, I won't say,"Hey, sorry I don't have time, cause I need to be on the computer, Saf or one of her kids will be online soon."

My counselor and the Humanitas staff were probably thinking that my computer and Saf and the kids will stop me in the things what I really have to do, what is more important. That's why they talked about building up a network of friends without the computer. Hey, I love my friends but I'm not a computer addict. They are important aswell. Keeping contact is good for us, and there will be a day that I have a job and a new house, and I will still talk with them. Not everyday but just so now and then, whenever we have time.  Just because Saf and I have good memories over the years we spent together, and to keep those memories we keep contact.

Later on in the afternoon, a lady at the office helped me out with some post I received yesterday. There were three letters, one from Gak, one from the government,and one from the health insurance. In the letter from Gak they asked me for copies from my bankcard, my passport and the flying tickets, we both copied that and sent it in a mail. I have to call the government today or send a mail to change something about my 'new' income,  and the health insurance company send me a form that had to be filled in. We filled it in and sent that in a mail aswell. All settled!

Everything goes fine, but it takes time. I don't have to rush things and I don't want to, do what I have to do and in the meanwhile enjoy! Humanitas told me that there is free dinner two times a week in a little church near here, they told me the name of the church but I forgot the name. A little group of people from here goes there and it's actually fun, and the food is good. I will check it out, and ask today where it is. And aswell there is a cheap breakfast after 10 at the 'Hema,' that's a shop like Walmart but so much smaller. might aswell check that out too.Free is always good!

I will tell you tomorrow how it went.

p.s. you probably wondering what the text says on the picture, It Dutch, and it says, "After rain comes sunshine." Or as Saf used to sometimes said "Sjon-shine."

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