Friday, February 11, 2011

Thank God it's Friday...

Thank God it's Friday...

For people with a job it's a well known saying, "Thank God it's Friday." Here at Humanitas it means that you really have to find something to do the coming weekend, cause the building will be most of the time empty. The people here visit there family or go out, or just sit in their room. Maybe it will be good for me to go out aswell, getting rid of the stress from the week and refresh myself.

I think there's always alot to do in the weekend,  in the city or elsewhere. There is the market on Saturday, or on Sunday the church. It's funny that I mention the church, cause it's been such a long time I went there. I went once with Saf while being in Canada, she met a few people in the store where she worked and these people were Dutch aswell. They told Saf there was a meeting every Sunday in a certain church, a meeting of  Dutch people in Mississauga. Saf asked me if I want to come, she told me, "Maybe, it's nice you meet some Dutch people here in Mississauga." 

It sure was a nice thought, and we had a nice time, but coming back for a next time?  Nah, we tought it was just a meeting of Dutch people here in Mississauga, but there was church and praying aswell. It was just to much church for us, to much praying, singing, and worshipping Jesus. But for once it was nice, it was awkward aswell trying to speak Dutch again, I felt a bit embarrassed. Here in Almelo there is a chatolic church, I might go there Sunday morning. I would like to spend a bit less time on the computer, and visiting a church might do me good. Or I visit my Dad tomorrow, it will be a long ride with my bike, but I can  take my time, I will see.

Today I tried my best to find a doctor again for my arm, the pain is at his worst in the night, I keep waking up to early. This morning I got up at 6:00 and took a shower, I just felt for a nice wash up. I must say, (I won't say it to loud) in the daytime my arm felt a tiny bit better then in the night. I think just because in the daytime I move more then in the night. That does ring a bell, right? I don't know, time will tell with my silly arm. Back to find a doctor, I could not find anyone who wanted to see me. Most of the doctors had a to busy schedule and enough patients. And I didn't hear back from the Doctor's assistant where I went to yesterday.

It's already late to search further anyway, Monday I will start again with searching. I have to be in my ol' town upcoming Monday to see my dentist, to refill the fake filling in my tooth. If I'm there I can aswell make an appointment with my old doctor, and he can take a look at my arm. Maybe it's not even needed, maybe my arm feels a bit better then. I just will see. 
There's not much more to write really, only, that it's really quiet here while I'm writing this post. It's weekend for the staff, the building is almost empty. There are ofcource some staff members here for the people who are looking for a place to stay for the night, the homeless people. 

But further there's not much to do here, in the evening I'm mostly in my own room like almost everyone does here. I like it, just being on my own for a while, I'm sure that will change in the near future. Back in Canada at Saf's place I didn't had much time for myself, but I didn't mind that either. I had enough time for myself before I met Saf, I needed people around me, and I needed something to do, something new. I loved spending time with the two little ones, even though they were sometimes very naughty. I had my good times and my bad times with them, if I had to answer the question, "Where did I spend most of the time with?" I can say with Ab and Tasn. 

Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!  ~Lydia M. Child, Philothea: A Romance, 1836.

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