Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's been a while....

It's been a while....

It's been a while since I worked in a factory, it has something old fashion here in the east of Holland, atleast that's how I see it. If you drive around the industrial here in this city, you see lots of factories with large halls. Inside these halls you see scaffolding and machines and sometimes assembly line machines. And don't forget the forklifts, offices, and ofcource the canteen. All these items were there already in the seventies and eighties, since then, nothing has changed. Well some things then.

That's why I call it old fashion, ofcource there are other, better, unusual, none-old fashion jobs where you can choose for but then you need to be more educated. A long time before I went to Canada I worked alot in those old fashion factories, to get some money and to have "a job" ofcource. In the end of my college I didn't received a diploma, I needed to concentrate more on my learnings, instead of being distracted. My Dad was working in a factory in that time, where they made rainwater pipes, it was a job with three shifts. I could come and work there after college, and so I did. I didn't even know what to expect!

 After three or, four years I quited the job, it was  the nightshift what nailed me. I couldn't sleep in the mornings, and I must say it was a huge experience for a first time  ever job. First you are still  in college and then suddenly your working in three shifts, starting off first with a nightshift. After I quited the job I did several other jobs trough a job agency, a month here, then a few weeks there, then a half year some where else. I went from left to right, and from back to forth, and I thought, "This doesn't work." After that I followed a training/test/project in some sort of school for metal and welding and I received three diplomas. (Woot)

This school was aswell a step-up for a another job, meaning, these people help you  train welding and then help you further to a next (new) job. I'm sure you know what I mean. I worked after the school trained me in two metal/welding factories, and I worked there quit long. Then my Thyroid went sick, and had several days of staying home sick. That was in the year 2000, in that year my Mom died aswell, that was a terrible time. In the following years I took care of my Dad while my thyroid went sicker and sicker. I was working half days then.

In the year 2003 my boss fired me, reason? He didn't need me anymore cause there was no more light, or half days work for me. Sigh! But, I felt okay with it, I sure could need the rest , cause I was dead tired and fed up with everything. From 2003 till 2008 I never had a job again, yeah, a few volunteer jobs, one of them was at the radio, that was fun. In the end of 2008 I came in contact with Saf, and the rest you know. I had in Canada a job aswell for a very short time, I did a flyer service. I brought  flyers around, 300 flyers in a certain area, and for every flyer I hanged on a door handle I got 30 cents. 300 flyers, 30 cent each flyer, that makes 30 Dollar a week. It was a hell of a job but it was quit fun, being outside, and see all the huge houses.

The Job/project intervieuw...

Being back here now in Holland starting a new life, means aswell starting to find a job again, it's a must. Kinda awkward working in a factory again, it's been such a long time. In Canada I took care of the kids, and held the house clean, what I liked. But, comparing that to working in a factory is for me a huge difference nowadays. Today at 12:30 I had my first meeting with the staff from Reha, Reha is a project where , they look what your able off, they help you further with a job aswell. For some workers it's also just a day-filling, being a part of the society again. I was kinda nervous, but aswell excited. I was getting nervous when I was almost there, Paula my project leader was with me. 'Inhibitions,' is a terrible feeling, LOL! When I walked in the building I saw the 'old fasion' factory items again, forklift, canteen, assembly line machines, etc, etc. 

There weren't so many people, cause they hadn't much work atm. The lady from the office guided me around and it looked nice and clean, the work I have to do seemed easy. There were four sections, a section where they paint old second hand furniture, then a section where they make fences, section three is a Christmas lights preparing section, section four, wooden planters and other wooden furniture. The office lady took me upstairs to her office for some short information.I talked aswell about Fusion. When I went to Social Services for the extra money, they offered me also another project called Fusion, that is also a working project, you can compare it with Reha. Only Fusion works together with the municipality of the city of Almelo, and Reha works together with Gak and CWI.

Fusion you can compare with a real factory, with a 8 till 5 shift. Their products come always on first place. Reha is slightly different, yes, you work from 8 till 5, but when you need a little break, you can take it. If you have a appointment, you can go, meaning, the employee is more important then the products they make. At Fusion the product comes first, you know what I mean? Reha is much better for me, they will help you further to a next job and all in your own time, like I said, the employee comes first. After the introducing talk the lady told me that I can come next Monday! Yay!! While I left the building I had one more look at the working area, it still gave me this awkward feeling, it felt I have been traveled  back in time for more then 25 years, lol! I felt like I was just coming from college, like a teenager looking for a job. I need for sure to get used to this kinda work situation again. It's been such a while.

Now if you will excuse me... Hi, ho, off to the 'free dinner' I go! See you tomorrow.

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