Monday, February 28, 2011

Early bird...

Early bird...

It was 5:05 am when I looked on my little clock this morning, and I thought, "I'm getting up, slowly," I'm sure when I would have turn around, I would have fallen  asleep again. And that would have been bad. I putted some clothes on and made my sandwiches for work, I was quit excited and not that nerves. I'm much more nerves for the dentist appointment tomorrow, ouch! But, how was today's work? Well, I was on time for the bike ride to work with the other guys, it was cold and misty when we finally took off. It was quit a bit off a ride aswell, it took us almost 20 minutes on our bikes. 

When we arrived we hanged up our coates and drank first a coffee, we still had ten minutes left for our starting time. At 8:15 am they usually start here, there's always coffee first . When we sat in the canteen, I felt going back in time, actually eight years ago. It was 2003 when my thyroid gave up and said, "I'm quiting." So, yeah, it's really been a while, though from 2003 untill now alot time and medication has passed since I been diagnosed with a sick thyroid. In Canada I noticed and learned that I was able to do alot more then I thought I could with my sick thyroid, with that thought in the back of my head I started this project this morning. 

I helped one of the guys who was building a huge bicycle shed. It looked pretty neat, All the material was all of wood. The guy who I helped is a guy I know from Humanitas, he told me yesterday that I could help him. he's a nice and funny guy, but aswell very fanatical. While working no complaining, work! And sometimes a joke, that was his motto. I think he rather worked by himself, so he could work on his own tempo. Though, I was excited to work with him, but as the working day ended he was just a bit to fanatical for me. I really like working, and I'm sure not afraid to get tired, but having a sick thyroid learned me aswell to listen to my body. I knew that it was my first day and that I would get muscle pain, and that I would get tired. 

I was taking it easy but also enjoyed the work, then sometimes I just get to excited and then I do just a bit more then usual. But, I had a good first day. I helped with the bicycle shed, made a few fences, helped with painting and cleaned up the sawing machine. The people who are working here are nice to be around with , only I wish they stopped smoking, LOL! Actually that counts for everyone at Humanitas. (I dislike the smoking.) Reha is the name of the little factory where I work now, it's three days a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Although you can't compare Reha with a real factory, I noticed also that sometimes  some people of the Reha staff likes you the work like in a real factory. 

They sometimes challenge you, and they are sometimes just a bit to pushy. You really need to open your mouth when you can't handle it or when you are getting tired. I think they are doing this to train you, to get some of the workers ready for their next new job. I can say my first day was good and in the end tough. In other words, I was exhausted but satisfied aswell. Working with the 'fanatical' guy? I'm not sure I will do that again, he told me aswell, that he likes to work alone, cause he's not good in giving directions, he rather does it his way, in his own tempo. I understood and saw that. I was thinking that it would maybe be better for me aswell to work alone for a short time. 

I can give myself directions, and just like the 'fanatical'guy does, do it in my own tempo, without hearing that whip behind me. I like to work and I'm sure not lazy, I do my things well, but let me first get used to working again without being to hasty. Getting used to work will come in time, I'm building up slowly and steady. I'm happy and satisfied with this day. Thursday will be my second working day, tomorrow I have a dentist appointment. Wich I don't like, I just can't believe sometimes all the stuff they put in my mouth and then they still say, "Stay calm." I gotta be there early in the morning, 9:30 am, I will be present. I will get aswell a huge bill I guess, according what the dentist told me last time. 

He told me that they will be spending an hour work on me, there will be two root-canal treatments. We will see how that will go. Today when I prepared dinner in the smoker section there were alot of people for a change, usually it's not that busy. With alot of people in the smoker section you will get aswell alot of cigarette smoke, wich is not so nice when you cook or eat. I will take my food downstairs next time, there is a none-smoker section where you can cook and eat your meal. It seems I'm the only one who doesn't smoke in this building, although smoking is only allowed in the places where it's allowed, I still don't like it. Smoking here should only be alowed outside.


I have two  little photo's from Tasn, on my desk in my room. When I came in my room exhausted from work, I saw Tasn big smile on one of the pictures. I nearly cried, I haven't thought of her the whole day, not even a second. P.s, it's one of my favorite pictures of her.

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