Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Carpe diem."

"Carpe diem."

A nice day today, although I had a slow start and I was feeling tired. The weather was perfect, it wasn't to cold or to warm, it was just right. The sun had it hard this morning, but later on the sun shined more and more. Wednesday cleaning chorses were there again, with the coffee break at 9:15 everyone (well,everyone?!) was getting something to do. Actually the staff asks you what you want to do. When it was my turn I automaticly choosed for the kitchen and dinning room on the second floor, cause I already made a little start on that last night. (What a mess) If everyone would do something, this building would have been a lot cleaner,but anyway.

After I cleaned the kitchen and dinning room I went for a nap, after that I had an appointment with one of the staff members. My counselor has a short holiday so a new staff member took things over from her.There were 2 little things needed to be done, what is important this week, I needed to write a resume and maybe in the end of the week I  can pay a sum of money to the summerhouse (where I stayed last February) it won't be the 300 Euro where they asked for to pay for the 1st of may, but the half of it. Cause my healt insurance needs to be payed as well. Money, money, money!

The resume was a tough job in the end, filing in information was easy to do. But, filling in the work information was difficult. I worked with many factory's after I was done with college, I didn't recieve a diploma from college, My Dad offered me a job in 3 shifts where he already worked. The factory was called Viplex pvc, and they made rainpipes and other stuff like that. Working in 3 shifts was tough, my first working day started right away in the nightshift. (10pm till 6am) I worked there for 3 years, after that I quited the job cause I really couldn't handle the 3 shifts. Working in a team wasn't my thing, I never worked and everything was new for me, I was called a working rookie.

After the Viplex, I had several and many other jobs, a month here and a few days there, then there a half year, etc,  etc. I did some schoolings aswell and followed a project with succes, I had a few welding diplomas and after that I got to work in a metal factory. Then I got a sick thyroid and I never worked again, you can blame my sick thyroid. I can tell a whole story about my working past and I'm sure I skipped alot of factory's and details about
my sicknesin this post. But to sum that all up is way to much to write down, specially on a resume. We kept it short the resume, and I'm happy with the result.

I finnished my laptop last night, but I made a few mistakes this afternoon. While starting it I lost 5 programs on my laptop what I downloaded last night, MSN, yahoo, Avast, Firefox and Ccleaner. I had to download it all again, and that was a hell of a job. Downloading MSN wasn't so fun aswell, struggling trough my hotmail I bumped into Saf's MSN profile picture aswell, (oops!) I didn't like what I saw, can you guess what it saw? It was Saf and her new boyfriend. I tried to find an option to in some sorta way get rid of the picture or find a solution to not see the picture. I didn't find it though, but You can only see the picture when you click contactpersons. So, I'm not gonna click it again. Sigh!

Yesterday I decided to throw my positive thoughts a little higher, I need to stop whinning about things, sounds easy right? Not, so! But I'll try. No more sadness or less sadness , it REALLY doesn't help me further, if I think of it. I'll try to make fun and enjoy the little things around me. People brag sometimes about, how I can be so friendly or so joyfull. Maybe I'm a good actor? I notice that I like to help people around me, giving advice if there lonely or sad, or help them when they have a problem. While I do that I think to myself, if I can help others why can't I not help myself then? After seeing Saf's MSN profile's picture I noticed that I'm sure not healed and not ready for brake the 'No contact.' When I think, "Oh, I'm feeling much better!" I guess I will think twice. I might level up the 'No contact' a bit further.

Time will heal me! The will is there for sure, Friday I have a meeting with the counselor, then I will talk about 'this' with him.

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