Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Tonight's the night."

"Tonight's the night."

Am I not to excited? For the resident meeting? I noticed I am, tonight's the night. It seems I'm the only one who is looking forward to it. I need to un-excite my self, LOL! This morning I went early out of the door, I told myself last night, first I will grab a cup of coffee with the coffee break at 9:15 and then I will take the train at 9:45. Well, I took the train 30 minutes earlier, just to get on time back. That's just me, changing schedule times. This morning I wanted to get some new (Thyroid) medication, cause there were almost done. I needed to go to my old Doctor in Nijverdal to get them, cause I still don't have a own Doctor here. Sigh!

I was prepaired, I brought enough money and setted my mind on long walks, cause it will be a long walk from the train station from Nijverdal to the Doctor and the Pharmacy. The train trip went fine and the long walk too. At the Doctor's it went not so fine, the Doctor assistants were being a pain. After asking them for a new description they told me that it wasn't possible, cause I needed to check my blood first. I thought, "Okay." After she asked me my birth date and year, she found out she had the wrong file from another patient. Fail!! She tried again to get my old file back cause they deleted everything just before I went (for good) to Canada, I asked for that back then.

She couldn't manisch and I thought to myself, "What on earth is she doing and why does she doing it so difficult?" In the end she told me again that it's not possible to give you just like that a new prescription, she  needed to make a new file, "Can you come back with all your data and other important stuff we need this afternoon?" She asked me. I said, "No, I don't have time this afternoon, I just need some new medication and not a new Doctor here in Nijverdal." She replied, "To give you new medication we need a new file first, and that will take a few hours, can you come back after 3:00 pm while I work on a new file, then you can get the prescrition at the Pharmacy." 

"I don't have much time this afternoon, and Thursday I'm at work, Friday morning is that an option?" I had 2 pills left in my room, so that was possible. "I will try it one more time to get trough this then you might get to pick it up in 30 minutes," the assistant replied. But it was a no way, I told her that it was so easy two months ago when I just stepped in here and asked for a new prescription. The assistants then talked to my old Doctor and he gave me a yes. I had to pay for the medication though, cause I didn't had a health insurance yet. And I thought it would go just like that aswell this morning, but no.

The asssistant replied, that it was such a long time since that last time. Well okay, I was done here, and told them that I will pick the medication up Friday morning from the Pharmacy. The assistant asked me if I had still enough pills untill Friday, I told them yes, just enough. "Can I be sure that I can pick it up this comming Friday?" I asked the assistant. "Yes, for sure!" She replied. Then I left, and thought to myself, "We will see." I really need them this comming Friday, I can't do without. I cross my fingers for Friday. I need for sure as soon as possible a new Doctor here in this town where I live.

When I came back there was the second coffee break and I had a few cups, I saw the kitchen was a mess. After the break I decided to tidy and clean the kitchen a bit up. Tonight at 6:30 the meeting will be held here, I'm still excited! lol! I made some lunch and went for a long nap, it rained and the room was cooler, it felt nice. 

The resident meeting. 

After the 'free'dinner, where I went with Johannus and his Family, there was the resident meeting. I asked if he will take the kids aswell to the meeting, he said, "Yes, what else can I do?" The meeting was crowded and loud, everyone was talking to each other, that made it that some people couldn't follow it, including me. Johannus's kids were loud aswell, his girlfriend took them away after 30 minutes. The meeting went fine, the points what botherd the residents we talked trough. And the staff talked about the new rules what they made today. I guess I was to excited, cause it was a meeting that I can call a bit hmm, let's say,I would have done it differently. 

It was to a bit of a mess, the set up was not so well organized. We sat all around 3 big tabbles, the staff and the residents kriss kross trough each other. I will tell you about the new rules tomorrow, cause I'm getting sleepy, lol. It's been a long day. I wasn't talking much, I'm not a guy who will stand up and say my thing, I'm not aa guy who stands on the foreground. Let other people do that, and that happend, thank God! The complains were right, and the staff promised to do something about the complains. But the residents thereself had to do something too ofcource, like keep the good atmosphere, don't steel from each other, keep it clean, and most of all be nice. 

In two weeks we will have a new meeting. There was so much talking, the only thing I said was, let's have a meeting again within a month, to see how it goes then, with the new rules and our behaviour. The staff agreed but made it instead of a month, two weeks.

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