Monday, May 9, 2011

"Ease on down, Ease on down, down the road."

"Ease on down, Ease on down, down the road."

It was a nice full working day with enough to do, two weeks ago our staff organized a big Spring-cleaning. Today was 'the day,' some residents were excited (me) and some residents were not.  We all gathered around at 9:15 am for the coffee break, the staff brought with them not only the coffee and tea but aswell all kind of cleaning materials. I heard already the usual complains from the usual residents, haha, but these people were enjoyning it the most in the end. We all laughed about it, this cleaning job was not only for cleaning, it was nice aswell to be with each other, and be working with each other.

What I didn't expect that it would be so clean, they all did a wonderfull job. I worked together with Nicole, she's a staff member, I never actually talked to her. We started all the way upstairs on the left side(third floor) and worked our way towards downstairs, hallway, stairs, windows, and toilets. Ricardo (7 year old Son from Johannus) insist he wanted to help me, I was prepaired. Sometimes he was naughty cause he wanted to sweep while I was already done. The cleaning mob was soken wet while he was sweeping, "I'm done!" he shouted while he walked with his dirty feet trough the just cleaned (still wet) floor. Sigh! Cutie kid!

Just after 12:30 pm we were all done, and the staff made sandwisches for everyone who helped out, there were drinks aswell. After the sandwisches I needed a well deserved nap, and I layed myself down. "Knock, knock," someone at the door, sigh, I just layed there for 15 minutes! It was Paula, (my counsilor) she told me she had to go to the store, and she asked me if I would come with her for a nice out. First I thought, "I need a nap," but, naah, I decided to go with her. I could use some time out, after all has been said and done yesterday, right? Last night I was tired too, and I really needed some rest then too, then Johannus and his girlfriend asked me to come with them to get some shoarma sandwisches, then too I told to myself, I could use some time out, and I went.

I need more time out and enjoy the little things around me, I did alot today and the little bit of shopping with Linda did me good aswell. Last time we went out she bought me an icecream, and this time it was my time to buy her one, she laughed and enjoyed it. We sat for a little while on the terrace and had a little chat. Paula needed plastic cups for a barbecue this comming Saturday, she needed aswell paint and rollers, cause there's a room in our building  what really needed to be cleaned and restored. The resident who lived there, was living on the street for more then 20 years, I guess it's normal he makes a mess. He lived on the second floor but moved now to the first floor, he's an old man and can't use his old legs not that much anymore.

It was a nice out with Paula, *couch*I wish *couch*she was *couch*single, LOL! Hey, I'm free, I can say such things, LOL! She's a nice girl and she helps me out, ofcource she does, it's her job, and the job fits her well I must say. After we were back it was really time for my nap, and so I took one.  Think I slept more then 30 minutes, it was enough for me. Pasta for dinner (Yum!) Again I sat outside while eating, just like yesterday. It was a bit colder, it looked like rain. After my dinner Ricardo came knocking at my door, (I think my door is the most knocked door ever) he wanted to go fishing cause his Dad promised him to and Ricardo wanted me to come. I didn't feel like it but I went, they promised me they wont belong. 

I was a nice little time out, but Ricardo had his 30 minutes of 'being naughty' again, WOOHOO!  What a disaster he can be when he's naughty, I'm sure he's not at the right place at the moment, this place is not good for him, even better, this place is not a good place for young children. Children need to be children and to be with children, and to act like children. It was a long day, but a good day, I enjoyed it. Tomorrow it will be a working day again, Reha is calling. Early to bed tonight, and early up!


jazain said...

sjon what a busy busy day!! and dare i say it? you sounded HAPPY!!! said...

Yeah, uhm, I was okay! hehe.. uhm, not that happy but just a tiny bit. Happy days are ahead --> !!

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