Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Back to bussines."

"Back to bussines."

This last week has been hectic, shame on me that I left alone the things I really had to do. Like paperwork and paying a bill, I had some nice post aswell. It's time to get 'back to bussines,' and in the meanwhile enjoy the gossip and fooling around from the residents. it's just funny sometimes, never take things to serious. I noticed that it's really not healty to stay here at Humanitas to long, you might get attatched to the crazyness, funnyness and akwardness. It will be so much different when you live on your own again. I had a nice conversation with Sandra this morning, my stand in counselor for Paula. Paula will return next week. Sandra didn't know anything about what all happened last week with Ina and me, I told her the short version. I was wondering how Sandra would react on it, she found it brave how I maniched it all.

She didn't respond much further on the subject, but just listened. I felt relieved to talk about it aswell with just a listening ear. Last night something suprising happened aswell, Ricardo was up late together with Ina's daughter Romy, they played around and made fun. Ofcource they had to had me, bouncing on my door, played hide and seek, and silly notes under my door. I was kinda fed up with it later on when the clock stricked ten I ignored it further. A half hour later, my resident neighbor came to me and asked me to do something about these kids, they made alot of noise. Specially Ricardo went wild with his adhd, it had to be stopped. I went to Ricardo's Dad to solve the problem, I was sure that Ricardo would follow me.

When I opened the door I saw Johannus sitting together with Ina, I was suprised cause they both talked about each other seperatly not so nice, you can call it gossiping. Welcome to Humanitas where everything is possible, seeing Ina and Johannus with each other did a little bit something to me but it didn't hurt, I layed it beside me and I was now really done with them both. Yeah both, specially Johannus, who would have thought that? Even Johannus warned me about flirting with other female residents, cause they all have problems he told me. And now he is doing it himself! I just laughed about it, I was really dissapointed in Johannus. The last few four weeks he was trying to start a relationship with another blonde girl, he had many visits of her. Johannus praised this girl and was happy with her, the girl herself felt the same. 

"I have a woman now where I can build a future with, she's much handsomer then my ex," said Johannus. While I was sitting with Johannus and Ina the kids jumped suddenly in to the room aswell, but Johannus ignored them, he was busy with Ina, it even seemed he forgot about me. Johannus was the old Johannus again, 'the flirter,' Johannus talked about going out with her towards her tomorrow. But Ina didn't know yet, Johannus kept trying. I told johannus with a smile on my face, "What about your other 'blonde'girl then?" Sigh! "She doesn't want a steady relation yet," he told me. "So you jump from girl to girl?" I asked Johannus. he raized his shoulders a few times and told me,"I don't know." I knew enough, I was dissapointed in him and stayed for another five minutes and left.

I was fed up with it, I layed everything beside me, gave it a place, done! I'm not going to put any energy in it with everything what happend last week. I'm not going to get involved, I stick with my goals. Fun and laughter with the residents, including Ina, yeah, I really hope the best for her, She stays my buddy. I have a few residents here where I care for, where I get along with very well, and Ina is one of them. This morning with the appointment with Sandra I had to go to my room to pick up my cell phone, there were a few problems with it, Sandra knew the solution. On my way I saw Ina and another resident sitting with each other and I joined them for a quick chat, I can't let Sandra wait to long ofcource. When Ina mentioned Johannus she told aswell that she's going out with him to the movie theatre, I thought, "Alright."

I told her to be on her hood, and that I didn't like to see her hurt again. I knew Ina is a strong lady and surely not afraid. Johannus told Ina last night that she has to ask 'me' what kinda person he was. LOL! I shook my head and laughed a bit. I told her how Johannus was and how I thought he changed in a positive way, but he wasn't, Johannus is a though guy, a player, a flirter, he can be very nice but what I saw last night made me think. I don't think you really can't build up a future with him. He dissapointed me last night, I found him hypocrisy or how you call it, fake? I didn't wanna scare Ina though and didn't wanna ruin her night out. But in my eyes I had to warn her to be carefull. Without making advances towards Ina or in other words to not win her back for myself... I wouldn't like to see her fall in another drama. 

I shouldn't even get involved in such things I know, but I can't see people suffer. I really need to learn that though. Just like some other residents tell me, don't get involved, just let them be, it's there bussines. Speaking about bussines, it was time to get back to bussines this morning. I wanted to pay my huge bill from the care allowance, I never had such a high bill. I have the money for it now, I bought off a policy a few months ago, and got alot of money from it. I can pay the whole bill and still I have a little bit money left, I had a little bit of problems making the money over trough banking online, (activatings code, sigh) but okay, trough the mail was another option. I have the envelope with the bill and I will put it on the post right away the next morning. With paying this care allowance bill, I can ask again for care allowance. Cause I couldn't do that earlier cause I had to pay the bill, better!

Next thing I really want to do this week is to check my blood cause of my thyroid disease, it's about time. It's been such a long while since I checked my blood, I'm sure the last time was in Canada. I'm curious how my blood will be, usually it's mostly alright. Let's see how it is now, it will take a few days though after they put the needle in my arm but that's alright. It was a warm day today but didn't went outside much, only in the evening I sat in the garden with Daniel and Ina, joking and chatting around again, that's the way I like it. Daniel told me that he and Ina want to go out to a movie theatre or a dinner one night, I told them, "Okay, nice." I was fine with that, I hope she has a good time. Ina asked me if I was mad last night when she sat with Johannus. 

I told her I wasn't mad at all, but just dissapointed in Johannus, he has to make up  his mind what he wants. And not use every woman like dirt, ah! It's not even my bussines. It was nice sitting in the garden, some other residents joines us aswell. Were going to get some really warm days this comming week, they spoke about 30 degrees tomorrow already. And it's a working day tomorrow, it's all fine with me. I can stand the heat very well. I actually love it!

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