Monday, July 18, 2011

"Daniel where are/were you?"

"Daniel where are/were you?" 

A little bit of a panice situation today at Humanitas, a resident who I get along with quit well was missing. It's not really my thing to gossip, but there are a few things that is needed to be known. The resident who was missing was Daniel, Daniel is a guy who I get along with well, we even went out a few times. Playing biljart or just went for a walk, he was also the guy who was trying easy to hook me up with Ina. But the tide turned, Daniel got allong well with Ina, and Ina with Daniel. They were getting buddies, soulmates, and eventually fell in love. Although Daniel is ten years younger and Ina wasn't ready for a relationship, it didn't matter. Falling in love happens, I been there too. By the time I got over my thoughts or (perhaps) feelings towards Ina it seemed it was Daniel's turn.

They both went out a few times, and had  a jolly good time, they were both happy. They even ended up both in, *insert x-rated, yeah, there. Daniel told me this and I was suprised. All well, a week later they went out again to a pub, Ina ended up on the dancefloor, cause she saw an old schoolmate and they danced for almost an hour. Daniel told Ina that he is going back, cause he was tired, and felt bored. (Right) The next morning Daniel found out that Ina spent the night with the old schoolfriend from last night, Ina told Daniel this cause she felt bad. "I spent the night with him, cause I wasn't able to go home I was to drunk. But nothing happend though." Told Ina. Hmm. The next day Ina confessed that she had *insert x-rated with the old school friend and Daniel collapsed. 

The lies and the cheating were to much for Daniel, and Ina felt sorry big time. Daniel locked him self up in his room for three days, after the three days he visited or tried to visit his friends, but was afraid to face Ina. He tried it but he was rather in his room. Alot of gossip was going around and Ina was the bad girl according to Humanitas, so I heard. Daniel visited me aswell a few times and the first time he told me the whole story, "I need to get out of here, I can't face her anymore," said Daniel. I told him that he should go out for a week and see his Family, it will do him good. "I'm leaving up-comming Monday," he replied. The second time he came he asked me to make him a sandwich, it was a pleasure to make him one. "I will see you Monday evening when I pack my bags and leave," he said. It will do him good. 

And the next day while I was working I heard from a worker who also is a resident from Humanitas that he disapeared, the police was searching trough his room and aswell was searching for him. I was a bit worried but, I knew aswell that I could count on him that I would see Daniel tonight. Comming home from work, I saw Ina crying (No wonder) and a few were residents worried. It worried me too a bit but still I knew I could count on him. Later on the evening another resident had got a message that Daniel was safe and sound, he was at the
'night care' from Humanitas, the night care is a place right beside Humanitas where you can not stay trough the day, but only can spend the night. Daniel took of almost a whole day without giving a note to the staff, and that's not allowed. The staff needs tom know where you are for safety.

Daniel will go to a hospital perhaps, (if there is a place for him) for a hospitalization. He's not able to think straight anymore, it may sounds hard but I'm sure it will do him good. If he had stayed here at Humanitas he would go nuts, he's in good hands at the hospital, seeing other people and people who take good care of him. If he's able to have visits I will surely visit him. Take good care of yourself Buddy, I count on you!

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