Friday, July 15, 2011

"Gossip and bloodwork."

"Gossip and bloodwork." 

The atmosphere isn't that good under the residents lately, they don't like how the staff handles them. There is so much personal things going on at the moment under the residents, it's time to be on my hood for a whileof better to back of a bit. It's a well known fact that the residents here complain alot, the last few weeks it's going nuts. So nuts that I just don't believe what I hear. What is true? And should I believe what they all say? Now I can tell you all what is going on but the list is endless, relationships, arguess, missunderstandings, gossip, etc, etc. Someone said this and that about 'that' person and 'that' person told the staff about it, etc, etc. There sometimes just like little kids. once a week every resident has a meeting with there own (Humanitas) counselor, and ofcource there will be talked, also about other residents, I call it gossip. 

But the counselor writes things down aswell, for example when I talk bad about another resident it will be written down. In the worst scenario ' that' other resident will hear it from 'my' counselor or from 'his' or ' her' counselor. And in the worst case if the situation gets to bad you can pack your bags and leave, no mercy! The last two weeks the gossip and all other personal problems are so bad that five people have to leave. Including Ina, Ina might be send to a 'women's house,' has been told, cause according to Humanitas she wraps every guy here around her finger, (Not true!) Yes, we  kissed and touched on that evening, but I can't  call it wrapping around the finger. She had something with Daniel the last month, they liked each other as best friends, but Daniel wanted more, but Ina said " No." Daniel couldn't take it and feels down, very down! He locked himself up in his room. 

Humanitas saw that and Ina might be send away because of that. Nuts! And confussing aswell. I understand the bad reactions from the residents, but I understand Humanitas aswell. Humanitas heard the gossip from other residents about Ina and she's now the bad girl, I so don't like the gossip. In my eyes the staff here has to talk more to the person who caused the problem, or talk to both sides who caused the problem. And not just write down what 'other' residents say or what ' they' heard and then make a rapport out of it. What did I learn out of this? That you don't talk about other residents personal things, and that you just act normal and be jolly. Cause someone might say something about you and you might get throwen out cause of the gossip by another resident. I learned my lesson today, be easy, be on your hood and be jolly. 

Alright, back to today, for a change it was a dry day today and it was not that cold. Pretty hummit I must say, we call it Dutch weather. First rain then the next day sunny and warm, then the next day rain again. Today I planned something to clean, I felt good and I thought, " Why not?" I have been cleaning some stairs this morning and emptied the garbage bin in the ' green'  kitchen. The stairs were okay, lots of dust and garbage but it went good. The garbage bin was a disaster, they forgot to put a bag in the bin, (like always) lots of food, cans and other garbage. It just needed to be done, I emptied the bin bit by bit with plastic gloves and putted the garbage in another garbagebag. Cleaned the bin afterwards with all-cleaner and letted it dry. Later on a new bag in the bin and done. 

I finnished alot of things today what I had listed on a little paper, I asked the staff if they send the 600 Euro already (for my new laptop) on my ING account, they forgot, ugh! So they did that today. I sent an e-mail to a housing corporation in Almelo, me and Paula want to ask for urgenty (If you ask for urgenty you will get on a list with people who need to have an house urgent) In the first place this corporation said no, but Paula and me want to try it again. Next thing I went was to the doctor's for my blood results. (I did bloodwork last Friday for my thyroid) The doctor's assistant told me that my results are not that okay, speaking in medical terms, my TSH is good but the FT4 wasn't good. The FT4 was to high, meaning my 'fake' thyroid was working to low/ not responding well. 

Allthough this the doctor's assistant was suprised to see me in this condition. She saw that I felt good, and I felt good. According to the results I should have been pretty sick, for example my eating appetite must be low. But I feel good, the doctor's assistant told me that there must have been a mistake sending the blood results from the hospital to my doctor. Perhaps a typing mistake, best thing I could do was take again some blood and wait again for the blood results. Next week I will, I know the way now where to go. My doctor is going on vacation though starting next week so I have to call another doctor for the results, that's alright. They forspelled a rainy day again tomorrow, I still need to do some grocery and then I'm done for this week. I'm looking forward for tomorrow's appointment with Paula, it's always a pleasure talking to her.


jazain said...

sjon, when youre in an environment like humanitas you have a huge variety of people. your circumstances are different. you stepped food back into holland with nothing literally but the clothes on your back. you were not on drugs or alcohol and couldnt take care of yourself or even some type of mental illness. im not saying that everyone there is like that but you have a good bit of people who just cant take care of themselves and with that comes a bit of immaturity. they cant control their lives outside of humanitas so they certainly cant inside of humanitas. thats why you have all of the dysfunction going on. the gossipping, the relationships that are fast and broken, the people who wont even clean the house..etc etc.

its hard to be surrounded by people who are different than you. thats how i am at my job. i work with people who would fit well on a jerry springer stage but i keep trudging on and go home after 8 hours.

God willing youll get a home soon and you can be free of all of this and slowly but surely start to surround yourself with the types of people who bring out the positive side of you!!

ok..i see why youre napping a bit more too. so tired. the assistant was surprised to see you doing better but the human body learns to adapt with illness after a while and some people just keep going even when they should be dropping and youre one of those people.

hopefully after the next set of labs, they can get your problem fixed.

hope you get your new laptop soon and im happy they let you use your money to get one. said...

I can see the difference between the people where I live with and the people outside of Humanitas, it's such a akward feeling. It gives a bit of a 'eek' feeling too when I'm going to live on myself again, being under the 'normal'people. That sounds hars maybe but it is like that.

Although these people here gave me aswell a boost, they made me realize that there are homeless people without holes in there clothes, it can go so fast that people become homeless. I heard alot of stories that I went 'wow!' The people who live here are friendly but most of them have a 'bad' background, a 'bad'childhood. So many kinds of people here, even people who have had the same kinda situatiuon I had.

But I agree with you Jana that staying here to long isn't healty for myself, it will make it more difficult to return back in society. I will miss some of the people though here, it's comfy being here recently, but it's time to go aswell.

I hope I can get my bloodwork done this week, then it will take 5 days for the results. I think I will get more medication then I had before. I'm just a bit more tired then I use too, but I must say the last 3 years (Canada/Humanitas)I seen alot, and have been trough alot, maybe even more then in my whole life, and I guess that does something to you.

Thanks Jana for the comment, hugs sent to you!!

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