Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Keep it down Aquarius."

 "Keep it down Aquarius."

You may be the center of attention today, but probably not the way you'd like. You may be the topic of a local gossip circle. If you overhear someone talking about you, try to take it with grace. How you react will be more important in the end than what they say. 

I was the center of attention today later in the afternoon, someone treated me not that nice. I thought in the end I had to take it with grace, but someone else told me you did well how I reacted.  What happened? I told you a few days ago that sometimes the workers at Reha are gossiping negative rumours about the work they do, they even make jokes about it. "There are no tools, it's all rubbish, there's no motivation, look at him he's so bad he's at the right place here," nag, nag, etc,etc. When they talk and joke like this about others the motivation is totally gone, I just joke along with them sometimes. 'My' motivation though stays the same, I like it at Reha. There is this guy who always tries to take your motivation away with insulted jokes, and agressive talking.

He always picks a victim, and today it was my turn. The first time I saw this guy, he said to me that I don't have to take him serious sometimes, "I joke around alot, but it's just fun," he told me. After hearing that we got along very well, he jokes sometimes with me, but I remember what he told me. I laugh about when he jokes with me, and then he laughs too. But today he picked on me a bit to much, he went on and on until it was my turn. I really had enough and I made fun of him, I was quit angry but was calm aswell. It was actually a good feeling to be assertive for once, I felt it was my turn now, I thought he wanted to try me out.  The angry feeling wasn't fun but in the end I learned from it. I don't let others play with me, I should be more assertive.

But aswell I don't like fights, I hope after the three days of rest in the weekend things between me and him are well again. Aswell I hope one day that he stops with all the joking and gets more motivated at work, he spoils it for other workers. I made two butler trays today, and, hmm, it didn't go so well. Ah! Just one of the days I guess. In the late afternoon I had a phonecall at work, I still had to work an hour. It was Paula, (counselor) she was back1 but had to go again around 4:30. She wanted to see me before she went, "It's been a while since we saw each other," Paula told me. It was 3:35 when I took of to Humanitas, it was nice seeing her back. 

I missed her, she did so much for me the last months. When she walks in the room it's like "Yes!" She's cute and not afraid. (No I don't have feelings for her, lol) Paula is fun to be around. When I talked to her I updated her just a bit, cause she didn't had much time. Up comming Saturday we have the next appointment, then I can take more time with her. Paula had some 'good' news to share.... She's pregnant! I was happy for her, and congrated her. Wow, that means we have two pregnant ladies at Humanitas, and they are both my counselor. First one is Sandra (my stand in counselor for Paula) and then comes Paula. Paula will deliver her baby in January.

It was a full day, I need some relaxation. Being on my laptop writting my post relaxes me, soon I will make a nice cuppa coffee. It's the weekend now, tomorrow I have to get up a bit early for my bloodcheck. I wonder how it will go, it's been almost 4 or 5 years or maybe even longer since I was at that hospital, I'm sure things has changed. I use to check my blood 2 or 3 times a year at my doctor's place, it's a huge medical centre with lots of medical stuff. Now I have to check my blood at the hospital in Almelo, it will be difficult cause I have to search where I have to be for the needles, lol. But once knowing it the second time will go better, wish me luck! Hehe!

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