Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain

"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."

And it rained in the late afternoon after another sunny day, but no thunder.  I wish we had some more days with sun and warm weather, or weeks. It can't be warm enough for me, I love it! I wish I had more to write about lately, but there's not much to write about. I have been to the dentist on my bike what was a lovely ride, far though cause it's been a while since I have been riding all the way to 'Nijverdal.' But the weather was good, a little bit of rain but that was alright. 

I had a filling to be fixed by the dentist, and I wasn't looking forward to it. But the dentist didn't drill and he didn't filled a new filling, he fixed it though but just with some cream, it sutured (?) to the tooth. I was suprised why he did that, normaly he drills and drills just to earn some money. It was different this time, I didn't mind though, it saved me the pain. "Don't chew on it for an hour, and when your brush your teeth in the evening, put a bit of toothpaste on the filling and rub it in a bit," said the dentist. I thought, "Okay." He told me that Sensodyne is the best toothpaste for it. I'm using Sensodyne for years, so I was good. 

After the dentist I visited my Dad, he was sitting outside with the nurses. He's getting old, the 14th of August he will be turning 73 . He almost can't walk, I looked at him when he moved and tried to walk, and it scared me a bit. He used to be a strong man and a hard worker, but look at him now. Sad though, to see him like that. He can laugh about it though, and makes sometimes jokes about it. I bought him new slippers a month ago when it was Fathers day, but he was still wearing the old ones from Canada, that's so my Dad. I asked him why he wasn't wearing the new slippers, he replied that he will one day. 

When I was leaving, an old lady visited my Dad, and she asked me if I was his son, I told her, yes! "You should visit him more, he likes that," she told me. I saw that the lady was not a 100%, if I may say that. Cause by the look on her face and her behaviour I surely could tell. She kept repeating her sayings aswell, "You should visit him more, he likes that"she went on. She kept saying it more then five times, I told her that I will, and said "Goodbye, until the next visit."  The 14th of august is my Dad's birthday, but I think I come a day after the birthday. Cause the Family will keep on asking me about Canada and my relationship with Safa, and that's not what I want. They will tell me that I should be wiser and that it was a dumb thing to do. So yeah, not visiting Dad on the 14th.

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