Saturday, August 20, 2011



It was a nice warm day with lots of sunshine, it felt nice, more of such days please. I still got one week of vacation left, I like it though, I can use this comming week  for my moving to the new house. The loan I asked for last Monday still didn't come, sigh, perhaps Monday it will. This morning early I had a appointment with Paula, I had two hours to spent with her, so we took our time. Things aren't going as planned but I'm less worried, I know what to do, and that takes the worries of me. Paula and Ilooked on the computer at the second hand selling site 'Marketplace,'we looked for a gasstove and (maybe) a fridge.

I informed Paula aswell what I already have, the two sitter will be delivered this Tuesday, aswell the washingmachine. I saw also a nice fridge on Marketplace, I messaged the seller if they can deliver it for an extra 20 Euro, the fridge is 100 Euro. They messaged me back and they told me the could deliver it, but, this morning I saw another nice fridge aswell. It was not the size I was looking for but I can change my mind. I was looking for a table-model fridge so I can put a little gas stove on top off the fridge for cooking, just like a gas stove what you can pick up just like that. This second fridge I saw was taller, and much cheaper. (35 Euro) I saw aswell a gas stove and it was for free, (woot!) but there was no picture from the stove though, so I couldn't see what the stove looked like.

Paula told that I should visit the  seller and have a look, and message aswell the seller from that fridge. With 35 Euro I could be done, a gas stove with oven and a nice huge fridge for 35 Euro! I tried to call them but the seller had the phone on voice mail the whole the time, I messaged them with a e-mail and aswell the other seller from that fridge. I will have to wait for an answer. It will be a full week this comming week, specialy on Monday, I have three appointments in my agenda. First at 10:00 I will pick up the keys for the new house, I can get right away used to the new keys then. Someone from Humanitas will come with me, hopefully I will have my loan money also then so I can buy the stuff I need. They told me that 'bought' laminate has to breath for 24 hours, I will see.

Next at 2:00 pm I have a appointment (again) with the 'furniture project,' I have been there before, but I couldn't choose then. The furniture project is a project where people with less money can pick up used furniture for free, but not everyone can do this though. You have to proof that your gonna live on yourself or have a new house, Humanitas is a good proof. I will have a look again and see what I need or take with me there, I sure will make a list. Next appoint is with Paula again at 3:30, I will inform her how the above appointments went, and then we will see what all still has to be done. Some people need my new adress, like the Doctor and Dentist and my ussurance company, and a few more. I will have to take care aswell for the electricity, gas and water this Monday, Paula and I will do that together. 

That was the Monday, I'm sure I will have more busy days this week, I already started with packing. Just the clothing and things I don't really need. The moving will be easy cause I don't have much here in my room. The nerves and worries I had are a bit less now, like I said I know what to do now. I'm most worried about 'the loan and the floor in the house, it will be a relief if the 'laminate' floor has been layed. Some residents have mixed feelings when someone has a new house, some are happy for you and some are jealous but there not really showing it. I know a resident who has been searching and searching for so long, still he hasn't  got anything. I guess luck plays a game here aswell, right?

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