Thursday, August 11, 2011

So much to do so less time, but I found me a house, Yay! (Long post)

So much to do so less time, but I found me a house, Yay!

I don't even know where to start, it's been such a hectic,exhausting day. My Mom always said, "If you don't know where to start, start at the beginning!"  So, here we go, I got me a house!!! This morning with the coffee break another resident had a an offer for a house, I thought, "Why always another and never me?" It's time for me to get an offer aswell, I have been here already such a long time. After the coffee break I went to the mailboxes to look if I had mail, and there was mail, and one of the envelopes was from the housing corporation. Eeek! I wasn't expecting they had a offer for me to vieuw a house, cause I have been there a few days ago, and then they told me, "No house yet." I opened the mail and it said, "You have been invited to vieuw a house today, you can pick up the keys anytime today for a look." The mail showed the name of the street and the house number.

It was an akward feeling reading it, I didn't jump of my chair singing and dancing from excitment. I was asking myself if I was ready to move, leaving Humanitas and the residents. I actually wanted to cancel it for a few seconds, yeah a akward feeling. I went downstairs cause I knew that Paula was there, and I told her the news. She was excited and congrated me, the news didn't get trough me in the beginning but now it slowly did. I had to get to work with this news, I will pick up the key and then come back to Humanitas. Paula was comming with me to have a vieuw at the house she offered. Still I wasn't full of excitment, (that came later) I was nervous. I did what I had to do, and that was it, I picked up the key and came back. Paula was ready to go, she dragged me trough this all. I like that about her, go on and move!

Paula and I took our bikes and drove to the street where we had to go, it wasn't that far, prolly about 15 minutes from Humanitas. The neighborhood looked nice and quiet, perfect already. The house/room was on the second floor, underneath me lived a old couple, still perfect. The entrance was almost like Humanitas, first a door with a lock to get in the building and then 'stairs,' second floor, then trough the hallway searching for number 25.  I had so many keys with me, I had to find the key what fitted on the frontdoor. Inside it looked nice and big, I didn't expect that for a flat. The living room and sleeping room looked nice aswell, the kitchen was cute, it was bigger then I use to had. I was afraid to admit (haha!) but it's a nice house, the only thing what was stopping me were my nerves for leaving Humanitas.

The rooms have build in closets, perfect! Only the shower had something weird, between the sink and the central heating was the place to put the washingmachine. Cause the pipe for the ' drain' was next to the central heating. That means limited space to get to the actual shower, but I guess I can live with that. After vieuwing the appartment for twenty minutes Paula asked me if I'm gonna take it. I explained her how I felt, the nerves were stopping me from taking the house, I told her, "If I say no now I will say not to the next offer for a house aswell." Bloody nerves, "I'm gonna take the house, it's a yes!" Paula replied, "Okay, let's get to work," and she went downstairs. That's so Paula, dragging me trough this, go! I told her aswell, that I don't want to rush this now.With the nerves I have, I will have to take it easy if it's possible. I didn't have to worry she told me.

It's been a while since I have been trough a proces of moving, yeah I moved alot  in Canada (two times actually) But Saf did most of the paperwork and phonecalls, I didn't know how that all worked in Canada, I helped where I could help. So I said 'yes' to the house, and I had to bring back the keys. Whem I arrived at the housing corporation, they congrated me and told me that I will recieve a mail from them tomorrow or Saturday.The house was done and the girl behind the desk made a appointment for signing the contact, upcomming Monday I could sign the contract (and pick up the keys, but she didn't tell me this) at 10:00 am. I told her that was okay. When I drove back to Humanitas I was thinking, "Isn't that to soon, signing a contract already this Monday?, Do I have enough money?" I was to tired to think, I just wanted to get back for a short little nap. 

Paula told me when I got back that it was impossible to sign the contract and move in already this comming Monday, "You will get the key, and your rent will  have to be payed then for the first month, cause then will they start with the rent, after you signed the contract," said Paula. Paula tried to call them and I had other things to do, many things! First I had to go to some shops with a list what I all needed for my house, the 'things what I really need first, let's say the important stuff. Carpet, fridge, washingmachine, bed, couch, stove, after I asked what it all costed together I will have to ask if I can get the total price on a paper. (You still there?)  With that paper I can go to the place where I can ask for a loan, (I have two places where I can ask for a loan) with the 'total price' I can ask and show how much loan I need.

Paula went back to work and I went shopping with my 'things I need list,' fun and a bit nervous. First I went to the place where they cell major appliance, I told the buyer what I needed and then asked for a pricelist. The prices were quit okay I must say, not bad. For example the washingmachine was quit cheaper then I thought. I looked for a fridge, a stove and a washingmachine. The one who helped me  made a nice price and wrote it all down on a paper, alright, that was done, on to the next shop. The next shop was a little warehouse, kinda like Ikea but much smaller and cheaper. I looked for a bed, a couch, and carpet, the helper there was very friendly and helped me further. Ofcource with this shop I will get a higher price, cause off what I all need. I decided to put carpet in the sleeping room, vinyl in the kitchen and hallway and laminate in the livingroom. Laminate is expensive but that's what I want.

It took us a while going trough everything, but in the end I had a nice list, quit expensive but okay. I choosed for a normal bed and not for a boxspring what I use to had, boxsprings are expensiver. While looking I also thought about secondhand shops, or perhaps selling sites on the internet. Anyway,I was there now, I will see later what I can do. It was a long day and I wanted still that little nap, I returned with the lists to Paula. Paula has been busy aswell, she took care of the signing of the contract, she cancelled the appointment from upcomming Monday the 15th to the next Monday the 22th. I have now in total 11 days more for taking care of stuff, Paula took care aswell for geting furniture cheaper or for free, and she took care of a loan for me. Tomorrow I will have to go to the citybank asking for a loan, Paula and I made  a appointment at 9:00 am. If I don't get the loan I will have to go to another place asking for a loan. Paula made already the 'next' appointment if I don't get a loan. 

Aswell tomorrow I have a appointment with a ' furniture project' in Almelo, I can get furniture there for cheap or for free. The furniture project is for people who are going to live on there own but have a very low budget. It's not a shop,but you have to make a appointment to have a look around there. Quit excited to have a peek there. A long day tomorrow, but I feel alright. I wrote half of the things I need and have to do down on a piece of paper, to order things a bit so it wont get a mesh in my head. but step by step though, day by day, easy steps. I have a house, can't believe it! Many thoughts running trough my mind, I need to get used to the idea of leaving Humanitas and living on my own again. Things sure will be different that's for sure, step by step and taking it easy. In the next few days I will surely keep things updated and I will look further what I need and will inform people that I have a house.

 Dad first ofcource, he will be excited. Dad celebrates his 73 birthday this Sunday, more about that tomorrow, I'm exhausted............... but excited aswell!


jazain said...

wow congratulations!!! finally, its like running a race isnt it?!! youve nearly made it to the finish line!!! i knew you could and would do it said...

Thanks Jana, it is like running a race, but I'm taking it easy now. There's alot of changes taking place in my life, and there has been alot of changes taking place in my life. In the end I think it's has been all worth while. p.s. I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends overseas, yes you are one of them Jana! Hugs!

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