Monday, September 19, 2011

"Cold, colder, coldst."

"Cold, colder, coldest."

It was a cold and grey day today, specially in the morning when I head to go to work. I took my sweater with me, for just in case, I putted the sweater on at work cause it was way to cold. It was a nice day though at work, only the Boss was sick so the second Boss had to come earlier. The second Boss always comes an hour later, around 9:00. She works mostly on the office and guides new workers around.She's a very nice lady, she was the one drove me to Ikea for the laminate, she was a great help.

So, as from today my counselor at work will search for a payed job for me, finally actually,  I'm a bit 'eek' for the new job aswell, although I need it too and kinda looking forward to it. Specially cause I will get payed. That's the main thing I'm looking forward to it, for the rest it's a bit 'eek.' Ofcource, cause it will be 'new work,' new workers, a new Boss, etc, etc. I will have to inform the company where I get my monthly money from too when I get a new job. That company is called a employement agency, that agency gives me money every month. Oh gosh my English, lol. That agency has certain.

Some of the rules are that I now and then you have to search for work and apply, or how do you say that. If there's any improvent in my sickness I need to inform that to the agency too, aswell if I'm going to move or when there's any change in my life situation. Also when I go on vacation I have to inform them, for example when I went to Canada for a long time, lol. (I will never forget that again) So, when I will have a new payed job I will have to inform that I earn money from that job to that agency, and they will take a few procent of that earning, sigh! For example if I will earn 10 Euro a day, the agency will take 3 or 4 Euro of that earning, why? I don't know. Just a rule from our goverment and the agency. 

It's alot of work and lots of filling in papers, but it is as it is. When/if  I will get a contract where I work then, then I will get the full amount of money without the agency taking of so much procent. When I will get a payed job there is first the internship ofcource, to see how I'm doing. It's good for me aswell, so I can see and feel what it's like to work for 'that' new company. If I don't like it or my 'new' Boss doesn't like how I work then I will and can go back to Reha. Then 'they' will just search further for a new job, I like that. I know now already that I can't fullfill a whole week. I work at Reha 3 days and that's enough for me, perhaps 4 day's but that's the limit. 

Today there was the free dinner again, most of the food was self made. Like the apple sauce and the salad, it tasted good. After the dinner I drove towards home with 2 other members from Humanitas, they invited me to visit them at Humanitas, I went with them for a short while. It felt a bit weird comming back, opening the gate, trough the garden and then going upstairs. I visited Henkie, he was siting on his bed watching tv as always. It was okay being at Humanitas, but it felt akward aswell. Akward cause maybe a staffmember will see me and ask me what I'm doing here, visiting ofcource, lol. I shouldn't be worried. Visiting is normal. 

I guess what I'm thinking that the staffmembers think that I'm not the kinda person who will come back for a visit, oh well. I felt a bit of a relief when I returned home, yeah, you heard that good, 'Home!' 

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