Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life is too deep for words, so don’t try to describe it, just live it.

Life is too deep for words, so don’t try to describe it,  just live it.

Another full day has ended, and everyday I achieve something. That should be my goal, achieve something everyday, doesn't matter if it's small or big, everything counts, right? I woke up early tand took my time to wake up slowly, It was 6:15 and red some flyers, then breakfast at 7:00, then getting ready for my bloodwork and a visit to the city hall. Bloodwork should be done in no time I thought, but when I arrived at the Doctor's for getting my bloodwork papers I saw that the whole staff was on vacation, the office was dark and I saw a note with written on it where to to go get a (following) Doctor. Sigh! The note said aswell where I had to be to visit that Doctor, Bellavista street Number 18. I kinda knew where I had to go but for just incase I asked a lady who was cleaning. 'This is prolly gonna be a long morning," I thought.

Arrived at the Bellavista street, I walked into the building, (I have been there before) and walked to the desk and had to wait. There was a Turkish lady before me with her young Daughter, she was jumping around me and made funny noises. I joined her a bit and she laughed, cute little girl. It was my turn and I told the lady behind the desk  my story and why I was here. "Actually you shouldn't be here cause every 'other' patient goes on alphabetic order, didn't you read the note?"asked the lady. I was at Doctor Tiemens office, my last name starts with a V, so actually I should have went to a Docter named Wellings. Sigh again, long morning, I told ya. But the lady was nice and told me that she normally doesn't do this and "Ssshh," she told me, "Don't tell anyone, I will give your paper for the bloodwork." Nice of her, I could even take blood in the same building, it saved me for riding all the way to the hospital. Ya me!

Next station was the cityhall or townhall,or they call it  seat of local goverment? But that's such a mouthfull, I will call it the cityhall. 

Wikipedia said: In local goverment, cityhall, townhall or (more rarely) a municipal building or civic centre, is the chief adminstrative building of a city town or other municipality. It usually houses the city or town council its associated departments, and their employees. It also usually functions as the base of the major of a city, town, borough or county. 

I had to be there to inform them that I wanted 'there' income to recieve on my own account (ING) and not on Humanitas's account, like it did for 8 months  when I still lived at Humanitas. Last week I filled in a paper what I recieved from the cityhall, they recieved the message from me that I been moved to another adress. The paper I filled in was not in enough proof for them to confirm with the changing from the bank accounts, they needed copies and more information/proof. When I got there there was a line up, ofcource. I waited more then 45 minutes untill it was my time, I informed the lady behind the desk why I was here. I couldn't just walk in and talk the person I needed to talk with, said the lady, but said the lady,  I could call that person here in the cityhall. I did that before and I thought, "Okay, let's try that again." There was only one phone and I knew already from the last time I tried to call, that it will take long.

I didn't mind cause I wanted this to get trough, and I got the whole morning, so. They put me on hold for 20 minutes when I called, then a guy asked me, "Can I help you?" I told the guy who I needed to talk with and the guy putted me trough, the person who I wanted to talk with came on the phone, and I told her my story and what I needed. The lady told me, that everything can be aranged here, I can make the copies what I need here, then I can fill in a special paper for 'changing bank account numbers. That paper I can get at desk 14, fill in the paper, sign it, and put the copies with it and deliver it at desk 14. Done! I was done in 10 minutes but everything took me more then a hour, the waiting took me along time, waiting to be helped at desk 14, waiting with phoning, waiting at the copy machine. The new counselor was a bit late but that was okay, I already heard him trough the phone last week, and by the hearing of his voice I heard a accent. I thought he was Turkish, but he wasn't. \

When he came inside he looked Dutch to me, but his name wasn't Dutch, his parents are from Poland. He's a very nice guy, he will guide me what all has still to be done. You can compare it what Paula (ex-counselor) did with me at Humanitas. The new counselor will help me with my finance, to get everything settled what still has to be done. "Were gonna do it together,' said the counselor, this first meeting was to get to know each other a bit. He had a rapport with him about me, on that rapport was written a bit of my background and the things what still need to be settled. I showed him my list aswell, he was happy with that, "Were gonna be a good team," he told me. He will help for atleast 9 months. But ofcource it can happen that we are done in 2 or 3 months. But again, I'm really happy with the help he offers.I'm reliefed, and I'm happy, what? I'm happy! And this is just the beginning...

I'm PROUD of myself, the things I achieve big or small makes me happy! Such a nice feeling! 

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