Friday, September 16, 2011

So many questions, so less answers...

So many questions, so less answers...

Today I was worried,  and still I am a bit. I'm worried about my money, Ireally  hope I can pay my usurances and rent within next few months. Although I have one worry less, my 'new' counselor will be comming next Wednesday at 3 'o' clock. I sent a message last night to Humanitas to ask when my counselor is comming, Cause I thought he would come this week. When a resident leaves Humanitas he or she gets help from a counselor or other help, the residents wont be left alone just like that. When a resident lived for a long time at Humanitas and suddenly lives on his or her own again it can be difficult, so all help is needed. Someone from Humanitas sent me a message back this morning, telling me he informed the my new counselor. Within a hour I had a phonecall from that counselor, yay!

He confirmed with me, and he told me he has all my information he needs to know. Well I have a few questions more though, but that can wait till Wednesday. I made a list what need to be taking care off, and I  tried to solve some off what the things what was standing on the list. That was difficult cause some of the things I just have to wait for, I'm talking about my finance. I have to watch more and more often to my bank account, (online) to see what has been payed or what I'm getting in the month, ect, ect. It's a good thing so I can get used to this online banking thing, lol. I already found out that online banking is easier to find out then finding out how a cellphone works, I so dislike cellphones, lol. To many options and to many buttons!I slightly panic when my cellphone rings, or I hear it ring and I have to find out where the phone is! 

Another thing I had to take care of is that every paying or montly income had to come on my own bank account. Otherwise my montly income will come on the account from Humanitas, and that's not a good idea. When I was at Humanitas I had two bank accounts, I had my own and had Humanitas's account.  I already took care of everything though, but I haven't seen my montly income on my account yet. Sigh, I guess I will have to wait till Monday and prolly see it then. Some companies are so slow or they make silly mistakes. Second thing is, Humanitas has stopped my 'extra money,' I was getting the 'extra money' from the goverment of this city, cause my montly income was under the minimum wage. The rent at Humanitas is incredible high, so every resident had to ask the 'extra money' by the goverment.

Now as I live on my own again, Humanitas automaticly stopped the 'extra money,' it's a normal thing to do for Humanitas. But do I have to ask again for that 'extra money'  at the governent? Cause I know my montly income is still under the minimum wage, am I alowed to do that? Is it possible?  Should I wait till Wednesday, so my counselor will tell me what to do? I guess that's what I will do then, wait till Wednesday, cause I don't wanna make mistakes or get into more little problems. I can use the 'extra money, just to pay my rent or usurances. I already getting my 'care alowance,' and next week my 'rent allowance,' I shouldn't complain actually, but still. Roll on September and October!  So I can get used to this stress full money thing. 

I will have to get a contents insurance too, but I will wait with that too till Wednesday. So many things to do, so many questions, in the past I was so easy with such things, I guess time changed everything. Being in Canada I didn't had to take care of that, it sure was different then in Holland with finance, usurances, and many things more.  And being at Humanitas was different aswell, I wasn't living on my own, I lived in a shelter. I needed different insurances, I had also a new income, so much differences made me lost. Now I have to get used to everything again, I need patience and self-confidence. All that will come back I'm sure, I'm not the same person as before I came to Canada. I'm stronger and have more will power. The worries now are normal, I don't blame myself or other ones. It is as it is, things will be solved again, patience! 

About my day: It was a nice day, I spent most of my time in my pyama pants, (read: comfy pants) I took two naps cause I felt like it, lol. I relaxed and rested alot, I did some grocery and saw a few nice curtains for a nice price. But I didn't buy it, cause I just don't know about my money yet. It's better to take care of my money, I can live a while without curtains. I'm living in my house now for almost two weeks and I'm managing, I only buy grocery and for the rest I'm handy with managing. 

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