Thursday, December 1, 2011

"To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are".

"To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are."

With a kinda sick feeling I went to work this morning, I felt the same way yesterday in the afternoon. I felt dizzy and my stomach was upset, if I would make myself to busy I would get more dizzier, I could only think of two things. It was my throid of my blood pressure is to high or low. Yesterday I felt a bit better later in the afternoon, this morning the sick feeling started again but worser, I felt aswell like throwing up and felt pale. I started to worry plus I didn't like my work I was doing, ugh! I was doing the same work when I started this job, I felt like a amature. The thoughts of it made me feel even worser. Plus my Reha mate did work what I would like to do and show then everyone I could do that kinda work too, and not only this amature work what I was doing at the moment. 'nag, nag, nag, I know.

After I stopped the nagging and was done with my work I asked my Boss if I could finnish the mats where I made a start with. His asnswer was a bless, yes, I could finnish the mats, yay! Just what I needed this day, different kinda work, and not the same ol 'same ol.'  Though I still felt sick, still the dizzy and upset stomach, the worries came. 

I decided to go to the Doctor tomorrow morning, for my blood pressure plus I will take some blood to see what's going on with my thyroid. Later on when I was busy with my duties, my stomach cleared up and I felt a bit better. such a relief, feeling sick is sure not a nice feeling. Let's see how I feel tomorrow morning, Visit the Doctor tomorrow? I don't know yet. Holland. I know I sure will visit my Doctor before my trip to London, I could use a medicine passport aswell.

Yeah, it was a bit of a weird day, I'm feeling much better now. Maybe it was a bit pressure from the last weeks, I don't know. I wish I was a Doctor, lol. So I could see or feel what was wrong with me. While I'm writing this post the rain comes pooring down hard, and there's a storm. It's to warm for this month, 12 degrees above zero, it's insane almost. And they warned for a 'horror winter,' guess it's still to early to complain already, it's just December. I made and managed the three full days of work and it went okay, I gotta take my rest aswell, and slow down when it's going to crazy, my body will tell me. Three days off, yay. I don't have plans yet, I will just see. Maybe I will come up with a crazy idea, like going to a sauna or... I don't know. Or something totally different. But first rest, and a few naps.


jazain said...

good you feel better. im experiencing the same illness. im getting better but not quite there yet. said...

Just like my Mom use to say, "It came by itself, and it will disapear by itself, don't think to much about it," I disliked when she said that most of the time, lol. Hope you feel better soon, being sick is sure not a pleasure.

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