Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's just the same old show on my radio, It's just the same old show on my radio

It's just the same old show on my radio, it's just the same old show on my radio.

I spent almost a  whole afternoon at the local radiostation in Almelo, I had to be there at 1:00 and felt kinda anxious but aswell excited. I didn't know what to expect, the idea is that I just have to watch and experience how this all works. I had my nap, I had my lunch, and there I went towards my appointment. I knew where to go this time, and I knew what doorbell I needed to push. I pushed the bell and the door opened, the dj was already expecting me. First a coffee and then we will start, I was calm. It was a nice and interesting afternoon, this radiostation needs more technicians. Theres is a presenter (dj) who runs the program and there's the technician who helps the dj with putting the right intro's, outro's, jingles and tracks on the right time. It was all new to me, and that made it scary and anxious, I had no clue what to do. The dj totally understood me and told me that I don't have to worry, I will learn it all.

The dj explained me alot while he was broadcasting the program, after an hour two other technicians came sit with us, the team was complete. They all went to work and I watched, it was pretty a long sit though from one till five. This program is full of the latest news and full of latest reports, so now and then a song but most of the program is news and news. That is what this radiostation wants aswell, to bring the latest news to the listener,"Playing record after record isn't really our thing," the dj told me. After 5:00 I decided to go home, I made a new appointment with the dj and technician, next Saturday 12:10. I have to be there, a technician and I will help the dj with his program. The technician and I had already a talk, I'm sure it will go fine, but still I feel a bit 'eek.' The technician will help me though and learn me things, roll on Saturday! lol. 

Although this radiowork is a vollunteer's job, as a dj or tecnician you have responsibilities aswell. When there is the broadcasting of the program you really have to be there, you can't skip then. I'm feeling nervous about this radiowork though, the feeling of screwing up the whole program does make me feel anxious, and a tiny bit scared. There are so many things you have to remember as a tecnician or a dj, paying attention is a must. Not that easy though with a person who mostly forgets almost anything, lol, me. That anxious feeling makes me wanna skip this all and move on to another vollunteer's job, I'll have to be strong cause deep in my heart I want this to succeed aswell. I just give it a try and I will see. 

London you were so good to me, thank you!

Day 5 London. (Last day) 

I had a good sleep, there were no strange noise comming from the ..... I was suprised though cause I have been hearing these noises for the last four nights, but not tonight, what's going on? I woke up once at 3:00 to go to the bathroom, and once at 5:30, then I slowly got up. I noticed there's a little clock on the TV in my room, lol. Why didn't I noticed that before? Woke up slowly with my word search magazine and a pen, I like word searches. I turned the TV on channel 1, BBC1 news is on, they warned for bad weather, rain, lots of rain and a storm. Were going home today, I'm having mixed feeling about this though, It's nice going home, but also not, I actually would have liked to stay a few days more for more sightseeings, lol. I'm happy I took this trip, excursion trip are perfect. I have seen places where I never would have thought of. It was such a good time, exhausting but for sure so worth it. The group of passengers where I spent time with was nice aswell, very outgoing and friendly, I will miss them. At 6:00 am I got up and had a wash up and packed further my travel bags, most of the packing I already did last night, including the tidy up. It wasn't that much I had to pack, but still I did most of the packing last night, I didn't want to rush myself in the morning.

The hotel would have breakfast ready at 6:30 am for us, early birds! Because at 7:45 am we all have to be ready standing in front of the bus with our luggage, were leaving at 8:00 am sharp. Wow, kinda weird feeling that I can't describe, were leaving. These last four days went so fast, and here we are, day five, heading home. Breakfast was early like I said, I filled my stomach good cause it will be a long, long trip. I counted the hours on our way to London, fifteen hours it was, so I recon our journey back will be aswell fifteen hours, I'm ready, I'm prepaired. The hurting stomach was gone, just a little note to myself this morning: 'You can't put scrambled eggs on a plane donut and eat it.' What a mess! LOL! It was 7:00 am and I was in my room, at 7:30 am I will go downstairs and will say goodbye to my room. I want to have a good seat in the bus aswell, a seat where there's space for my legs so I can move them, I already had a seat in my mind. The weather was so bad, the planes flying over every two minutes were less aswell because of the storm. BBC weather forecast gave a warning already, windflagues from 80 miles an hour. I hope the bus will stay in place while driving.

My dinner from last night, spaghetti bolognese.
Most of the passengers gathered around at 7:30 am, I said goodbye to my room and... yeah, where were the cleaners, I would like to thank them too, they weren't there, pity! I folded the six blankets nicely and organized my room a bit, I like it, it's good, goodbye room. I putted my travelbag in the suitcase area from the bus and took my other small travelbag in the seat where I wanted to sit, settled! I'm ready to go. Me and my long legs, there's never enough space where ever I travel to, lol. 8:15 was the time we went, heading home. I think I slept for a small ten minutes while driving to Dover, can't even remember. It's a two hours drive to Dover, from there we will go trough the 'checkpoint,' have a little break and then into the Channel Tunnel again. Thank God I still had a few pounds on me, I had to count the many little coins though, but still, I was thankfull. We had a hour free off at the 'checkpoint' in Dover, I bought myself a nice large cuppa hot chocolate and a large 'lovely brownie,' so as the add said. And that for only three pounds? Not bad. My wallet was empty, no more English Pounds in it, nice feeling. The hot chocolate did me good, I needed something warm, the weather was so bad, such a hard wind and rain, yack!

The busdriver told us that we should be glad that we were going with the train and not with a boat to Calai with this stormy weather, that would have been bad, yes. After our little break we were heading to the 'Tunnel,' it was warm inside the bus while we were in the 'tunnel. Some people were going out o the bus to experience once again this amazing Channel Tunnel, I did too. Stretching our legs, here and there a talk, it was good. The train lasted not more then 35 minutes, when we arrived in Calai France, we realized that we left England behind us.I didn't look forward to the long trip towards home, it's such a long trip. Do I miss the internet? Nope, not at all, it's actually a record for me being without the internet for five days, blimey! I enjoyed myself, there was alot to see, and the people around me were friendly. But when I get home the first thing I do is grab my laptop, lol, to see how everyone is on Facebook, and tell thm I'm back. But really it was easy being without my laptop, just what I expected aswell. I didn't have time either and I didn't wanna have time. The bus rolled on and it seemed the bustrip took longer and longer, we had a few trafic jams that made us stop several times. 

Bye, red doubledecker bus from London, you will be missed!
I got tired and cold, thank god I brought an extra sweater with me in the bus. The last four days I have been many times cold, this cold weather is just not my thing, give me summer whole year and I'm good, honestly. At 3:00 pm we finally arrived in Belgium, we had a huge traffic jam in France, sigh! Still it rained, and the wind blew many times hard against the bus. I had two sweathers on, lol. Cold and tired, but further then that I felt good, there was a nice atmosphere. The passengers wanted to borrow my cap for five minutes, we all decided to give the busdriver a nice reward for all what he did the last five days. My cap went around in the bus, and every passenger putted a few coins or more in the cap, including me. the busdriver was happy with it and thanked us all trough the speaker. It was time for a little bathroom and snack break, the bus stopped somewhere in Belgium and the passengers runned trough the rain to the bathrooms. I bought a few crackers and a wafel, I needed a little lunch, cause soon we all will have a nice organized dinner from the travel company we went with. All the passengers who went away these last five days with this company will join this dinner, everyone, also the passengers from Paris, Copenhagen, Berlin, ect, ect. It's a nice 'farewell' dinner. 

Gosh, soon I will be home, still five hours to go, but still, it's  a akward feeling. I hope I will be home before 12:00, or sooner ofcource. I'm actually not feeling much for working this Thursday and Friday, I just don't know, I will be dead tired, I need my rest aswell after all this. This trip has taken almost all of my energy out of me, I might call in sick, but I'm not sure yet. At 6:00 pm we finally arived in Holland, yay! What a long, long journey! Still there was four hours to go to Almelo, I was fine with it. First there was the 'farewell dinner,'  we, the passengers from London were the last one who arrived in the huge dinner hall. Ofcource cause London is further away then Paris. Berlin and Copenhagen. I sat to some other passengers from London this time, the seats were all taken so fast, it was nice though. I sat next to another guy who was alone traveling too, well whatta ya know? He went to London with the same two busses and I never noticed him, lol. He told me he did such excursion trips more often. Dinner was nice , first we had soup, then came the french fries with veggies and steak. Dessert was a little cup of icecream. There were several long tables atatched to each other so that everyone could talk with each other. 

The moon on our last night in London.
Within a hour and a half the dinner was over and everyone went back in there own bus, I had bus four, cause bus four was going to the east of Holland to drop people of there. The other busses will be going south, north or west, we had to say goodbye to our London busdriver, cause his duty was done. He drove more then nine hours, and nine hours is the limit. After nine hours of driving the driver needs a nine hours rest he told us. Bus four had a new fresh busdriver, lol, it was the same busdriver who picked me up from Almelo. The bus wasn't so full so that gave us enough space to sit, we said goodbye to the other passengers who went in there own busses, some passengers I gave my email, there was onme old lady who was interestedin my blog, we had a few conversations about blogging and the internet, I gave her my email too plus the name of my blog. The drive to Almelo was long, to long in my eyes. I had a great time in London, but in the end after such a long drive towards home, you just want to arrive. The bus had to take another road when I was almost home, so it took just a bit longer. Finally at 11:30 pm I was in Almelo, he dropped me of at the same spot where I started, the trainstation. 

It was cold, and still there was a strong wind, good thing was it didn't rain. I walked firm towards my house, when I got home my house felt cold. I turned the heaters on, switched some lights on, and putted away my luggages. Kinda felt worried about not having internet while I opened my laptop. But it worked. I stayed up until 2:00 am, lol. internetting and Facebooking, lol. Good to be home, kinda missing London aswell, feeling relieved that such a journey is so easy to book. I'm sure there will be more travels this year. Roll onm 2012, I'm happy.


jazain said...

lovely trip and lovely memories sjon! i was telling my daughter, brittany, that youve just returned from u.k. she thinks youre a very nice person!!! who knows, maybe youll go back to london again soon. said...

Thanks Jana, and yes I will be once going back to London, but for now first other countries. I love the travel company where I went with, it's so easy to book a trip with them online. And they go to several other places.

Aaaw, that's nice of Brittany to say, tell I think she's nice too!! Perhaps (hoping) we can meet one day in Amsterdam, you, Brittany and Kylee, or other Family members.

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