Thursday, February 2, 2012

If you don't know where you going, you'll end up someplace else.

If you don't know where you going, you'll end up someplace else.

Well, at the moment I don't actually know where I'm going with work, and that frustrates me a bit. And I hope I don't end up someplace else. The Boss came up to me today and asked me to come with her to the office, my Reha counselor was there aswell. I was expecting this 'office talk' already this week, and was actaully asking myself why it took so long. But there I was, in the Boss's office. I felt good and relaxed, I was thinking, 'Or I can stay a bit longer untill they have more work, or they give me a hire contract. The Boss was friendly and made a few jokes while were we walking to the office, so I guessed I was 'good.' 'Good' in a way that I don't have to go.

But, the conversation  was a bit same ol, same ol, there STILL wasn't enough work to give me a contract. Sigh? Yeah, sigh! It's taking to long, my motivation went down a bit after the conversation, not that weird right? At the moment 'we' are very busy with the same order we recieved a month ago, so I asumed that with the busy order things are going well for me. But the Boss told me that when we finnished 'that' order we are again going low with new orders, the boss and her companion went to a few fairs the last few weeks to sell our products to new customers, just to get new orders in, so we get more work. Yesterday my Boss came back from a fair in Las Vegas, geesh, why so far? I guess she knows it better then me, lol. So yeah, I'm still working  but still without a contract. Sigh!

My Reha counselor asked me if I was dissapointed after the conversation, I answered that I was yeah, a bit. But, I know aswell that there's still a chance for a hiring contract, I won't and can't give that up, though the motivation to continue work was sinking a bit today. It's not a pleasure when you know it can be over and out while your working hard and do your best. I fit in this job so well, I so enjoy this place and work, the fellow workers are such a nice bunch of people, I so want to stay there. My Reha counselor told me aswell that if I don't get a hire contract I will perhaps go back to Reha, my old intergration job. But Reha is a traject program, and this program lasts a year, that means I can only work for a year at Reha. 

Meaning I can stay at Reha until June, cause in June I have been already a  year at Reha. And what happens after June? Nothing, I will have to go job hunting perhaps, all by myself, that's not really something I look forward too. I need someone beside me like I had with Reha, someone who knows me well and will search together with me for a fitting job, I NEED  a job, I realized that! To name a few why's, I need a job so I can come around with my money so much better, I still have to be easy with my money. I have to pay a few things that I'm a bit worried about, maybe I don't even have to be worried at all about it, but I am. And it's not only for money why I need a job, I realized aswell that it's important that I have something to do, having a day rhythm, with people around me, and nice work. ect, ect. I guess you know what I mean.

The job I have now has changed me in many ways, in good ways. I need this and I can't do without, that's for sure a positive thing, but yeah, knowing that this job can be over and out is not a pleasant thought. And now? Well, the Boss told me that I have to wait (a while) till it get's bussier, till we get new customers with new orders. And hopefully then the Boss can say, "You can stay." My Boss will inform me with 'this' news as soon as possible, "Don't think we hold you on a line Sjon," the Boss told me, "I know," I answered. I really would like to know what it is what's stopping them or why there doubting to give me a hiring project, I asked my fellow workers this aswell, a few answered, "Money." It's all about money, Holland has a money crisis at the moment, and we/the company are suffering for that aswell. 

Tadaa, a birthday hat, even though the workers were very busy, they made this special hat for me! How's that?

Work went good though today and was FUN, lol. I dared the fellow workers last Tuesday that if they will make a birthday hat for me for my birthday, then I will wear that hart on Thursday the whole day. And there was the hat, lol, waiting to be worn by me. I took the birthday hat and putted it on and left it on untill the working day was over, I looked a few times in the mirrors to get an idea  how the hat would look, lol. The har was frigging high and looked hilarious, lol. Every worker shook my hand to wish me a happy birthday, they even came from the office to shake my hand. Yesterday I bought around 30 cookies and there was nothing left, it tasted good prolly, lol. I got attention enough wearing that birthday hat, it was such a fun day. Can I stay?!?

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