Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just singin', Singin' in the rain

Just singin',  Singin' in the rain.

A grey Saturday, but a nice day, I enjoyed myself.  It was a short morning, I slept kinda in and took my breakfast while I was on the laptop. I knew already that the afternoon would be long, radio work was waiting for me. Just before going to the radio I took a nice nap, I slept quit long. After that I took a small quick lunch and headed of. I felt like walking, and so I did. It's a bit further walking then the trainstation, but that was fine with me. I will have sitting work anyway, that's why I decided to walk. 

It wasn't cold at all, with eight degrees it felt nice walking. At the radio it was cozy, not many people and 'okay'work. I did the same things like last Wednesday eve,' reports what has been sent by mail by our reporter has to be looked trough and prepaired to place on the radio site. These reports are huge and has to be made smaller so that they can fit on the site, plus every report or item need a picture. It's nice work and less stressfull.  Next Saturday again, I feel I can grow and grow at the radio, I'm sure there's more to do then prepairing reports. 

I walked towards home, made a nice dinner and relaxed afterwards. Tomorrow will be a relaxing day, a bit laundry and further I will see what there is to do. Gosh, I write alot during the day, everyday I writre a piece in this blog. Sometimes it's alot of work, and sometimes it's just easy to write. I noticed aswell that I share so many things in this blog, almost all my daily things I write down. That's what I wanted too when I started this blog, 'write everyday a piece, and no holding back.' It makes me think aswell, like, am I writing not to much? Am I sharing no to much? All my followers can read what I'm doing daily, lol. 

Scary? Naah, not at all, but yeah, just that sometimes it makes me think, is it not to much? When I look and read trough my posts I see sometimesaswell  a kid who's writing, lol. Yeah, honestly. Yup, I can act sometimes like a kid, I don't know why. But a kindly kid, so no worries. It makes me think what Saf used to tell me so now and then, lol. "Man up! Your not a kid anymore." It's like I have a kid in me who wants to get out, so I do, lol. I guess were not all the same, it's fine with me otherwise it would be pretty boring on this planet when we would all be the same. Maybe I should 'man up' my blog aswell, here and there a few changes in my writing. 

'Manly writing' I will call it! I will write about razors and lumberjacks, hahaha! Beer and woman! Haw, haw, haw! I'm just kidding. Though I would like to change a few things here and there in this blog. Like not only write about my daily things but aswell about my feelings or thoughts more often, or perhaps about the news, or just fun stuff. I didn't even mentioned that I have the monday off, our Boss gave us a day off work. Just because there's not much to do, sigh! We have to divide the work we are getting, spread it a bit over the following months so that we have something to do during the weeks. It's fine with me, I do want to stay so the dividing of the work works good for me.

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