Thursday, March 15, 2012

And then the fun was over...

And then the fun was over...

After a day of hard work I cycled towards the 'free dinner,' the weather was gorgeous and actually way to warm for a wintercoat and scarf, but anyway. The free dinner was cozy and it was nice seeing the regular people again, I usually sit on my own spot together with a few old residents from Humanitas. It's a long table right in the centre of the little hall, then beneath the windows are the other tables where mostly the homeless people sit, yes, everyone has mostly there own spot. You can also say, where I sit are sitting the 'quiet, normal' people, lol. At the other table the homeless people, sometimes loud, sometimes drunk and yeah, sometimes agresive.

It's not always fun to have these homeless people at the free dinner, there loud, agressive and sometimes drunk. Sometimes some of the homeless people don't show up for a few weeks, we know what time it is then, there in jail for a long or a short time. We will know when there 'free' again, cause then they will show up at the free dinner again. Sigh! It was nice and cozy at the free dinner today, not that busy, untill the group of homeless people showed up. Some of them are okay, but just a bit weird. The homeless people usually get along with each other, but sometimes not and then the fun begins, shouting, insulting  and being agressive. Just like today

After I finnished my dinner and putted my coat on to go back towards home,  I went outside, a friend of mine from Humanitas walked with me. When we were almost outside we noticed that there was a fight, a fight between a homeless guy and another homeless guy who was released just two weeks from jail. I know them both slightly, but never had a talk with them, perhaps a few words. I rather don't get in contact with them, or with other homeles people from that group. A few guys from the staff from the free dinner ran outside to see what was going on, they saw that one guy had a knife. There was shouting, chaos and lots of insults, it was crazy. 

The people who organise this free dinner weekly are very christian, the free dinner is actually from a christian community. The staff tried to calm the fight down and jumped right in the middle of it, crazieness. I wouldn't even dare, I have much respect for these people. Though I think there used to it, I saw a few fights before here, or heared about it, but a knife? Insane. I passed the fight while walking to my bike, what I grabbed slowly and took off at the otherside of the building, there it was quiet and peacefull. When I passed again the building to ride towards home I saw that there still was a chaos.

 I saw a guy who had a punch aswell, he passed me cause he left the fight, "Then you think you have a nice dinner and then this, there crazy!" He said. I couldn't agreed more! I didn't know how to feel about this stupid fight, sad or angry, I think a bit of both. The homeless people who were fghting will get a four weeks prohibition. No free dinner for them for four weeks. I don't like such people, actually this whole group of homeless people at the free dinner I dislike. There loud and sometimes agressive. Some of them spend time in jail, they should actually never be released, they never learn, they don't wanna learn. 

They live on the street where the crime is, they don't know else. Some of this group of homeless people I have seen at Humanitas aswell when I lived there, the staff from Humanitas tried to help them, to get them on the right pad, but without succes. Like I said, they don't know else. The street is there life, and unfortunatley the jail is too.

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